Yeah, REALLY? Everyone check this out.

My mom said if anything, take it as a compliment that someone is using your pictures to sell something but she is pissed too.

I'm sorry man. This is just some funny sh!t.
There are liars and thieves all around you. I personally agree with the guy that said he'll get his when some guy drives 100 miles to buy it and finds something different when he gets there.
"My mom".
I love it.
You internet mafia guys are pretty bad @ss.
I'll just back off and say "I'm sorry for insulting you sir".
Although technically, I feel like part of the Blaster Mafia, the Banshee Mafia, the .org Mafia, tech Mafia, and Sicilian's local 1222.
I'm sorry man. This is just some funny sh!t.
There are liars and thieves all around you. I personally agree with the guy that said he'll get his when some guy drives 100 miles to buy it and finds something different when he gets there.
"My mom".
I love it.
You internet mafia guys are pretty bad @ss.
I'll just back off and say "I'm sorry for insulting you sir".
Although technically, I feel like part of the Blaster Mafia, the Banshee Mafia, the .org Mafia, tech Mafia, and Sicilian's local 1222.

Wtf do you want me to call her. Im 15 scum. Why dont you grow the hell up.
Well, you MIGHT want to call her.........and say you're sorry for being such a little b!tch. I'd start there.
Next, eat your wheaties and grow a pair. And maybe get some cream for your sensitive nipples. I'd be embarrassed if either of my two boys popped off the way you are (and about what really amounts to nothing). Especially when someone took the time to tell you they were sorry and explained why they thought it was so funny. Good luck when you cross the path of a real problem in your young life. Get a hold of yourself kiddo.

Ha! Like you know me? Do you feel like a real grown up guy talking to kid like that? You sound more immature than anyone on here! For your information, I happen to be going through a real problem in MY YOUNG LIFE Its called CANCER You ever here of it?
Im done with you. Say what you wanna say in this thread, your not going to get any replies.
idk what the heck was knowpigs prob yesterday, jeez, musta been in his peiriod, he was like saying the theif was right for doing that, wtf, that was weird.
Allllllrighty then.
I'll just try to pay more attention to the pig in my sig.
Point taken.
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damn that f*cked up did he ever anwser your calls i can txt him for u i live like mabe 3 hours away from it if i had my license and a good job id head out there and give him a beatdown for u
he jus replied "yea it is" i asked him what kind of pipe is on it he said fmf then i asked him what kind of heel gaurds are on it he said stock lol now i asked him what kind of bumper lol
after you screw with him, tell him you personally know who made this quad and who took those photo's and if you don't take that post down i'm gonna report you to the police!!!! that will stir him up, haha