Listen this is what gets me. Alright there on google no problem. Someone likes my old bike and decides hey im going to save it. No problem. Now the kid who BOUGHT my bike the first time sold it on ebay so technically it could be anywhere. Now if this guy is LEGIT ALLY selling MY old bike fine cool whatever I dont care. I dont have a say its his bike. Now if it is legit ally his bike awesome I wanna see what it actually looks like now. Dont use my damn pictures though that i took after the rebuild and use them in your post. Thats false advertisement. If that is my bike also, hes lieing in the description big time. If its just some random bike using my pictures wtf? Why are you going to show a different bike.
If anything, if that is my bike I wanna see what it looks like, and if it is my bike how is going to call it a pos before. It was JUST rebuilt. My mom said if anything, take it as a compliment that someone is using your pictures to sell something but she is pissed too.