Windows 7


Sep 4, 2009
Just installed Windows 7. After ironing our a few bugs (Driver errors, etc), it seems pretty awesome. I love it so far. I was a fan of Vista, and I must say, this is a huge upgrade. Anyone else running 7?
how much is it i got gay vista and my computer randomly shuts off but i think that cuz its getting too hot i have a hp pavilion slimline so i think i need a better fan
it is expensive as sh*t to downgrade. Does anyone know when they will be shipping the free windows 7 upgrades?
best move you will ever make!

I have a macbook right now.... but in january I will be getting a 27 inch imac!!!!

they are so sick

thats what i've heard.... i have had dell run so slow it takes 10 minutes to start up... Then a month ago i received the blue screen of death, my hard drive crashed out of nowhere losing all my school papers!
thats dell for ya. always hated dell. im a mac fan but dont own one. thats what i use to program with at school well back in the day like 7 years ago. lol wow cant belive its been that long.i use my 46" lcd tv for my computer screen. i have my tv hooked up with my surround sound also so i can jam out to tunes an stuff to sounds pretty badass. everyone walks in an there like isnt that a lil over kill. im like nah dude just wait tell u get drunk makes it easier to read lol
The next computer I get I will build by myself. It isn't hard... like at all. And, it is way cheaper. Like, you could build one better then Alienware's best computer for like $900-1000.
The next computer I get I will build by myself. It isn't hard... like at all. And, it is way cheaper. Like, you could build one better then Alienware's best computer for like $900-1000.

yeah, if I were to ever get a PC again.... I would build it myself (but it will never happen lol)
I like laptops, but you can't build them... so I would have to sacrifice and get a desktop.
Yep one of my buddies spent 2gs on a desktop an I built one a lil better then his for 800 an he was so pissed. All I could do is laugh at him but o well. I never actully bought the stuff just got online put it together an he's like wtf that unit is better then mine an 1200 less. I was like yep. The pc I use right now is a compaq that's 8 years old. Has. 60gig hd an only 512mb of ram an. 2.1 processer but it gets down what I want done so I'm in no need of buy a new pc nytime soon. When it does come down to it ill pry get a mac air
thats what i've heard.... i have had dell run so slow it takes 10 minutes to start up... Then a month ago i received the blue screen of death, my hard drive crashed out of nowhere losing all my school papers!

a mac wont save you from a harddrive failure lol.

macs are gay as f*ck.i prefer my pc running xp.

a mac wont save you from a harddrive failure lol.

macs are gay as f**ck.i prefer my pc running xp.


to each his own i guess......

imo that case looks like sh*t... and windows is even bigger sh*

this looks much better