Just installed Windows 7. After ironing our a few bugs (Driver errors, etc), it seems pretty awesome. I love it so far. I was a fan of Vista, and I must say, this is a huge upgrade. Anyone else running 7?
I got windows 7 on my probook and love it. Its a nice upgrade.
how much is it i got gay vista and my computer randomly shuts off but i think that cuz its getting too hot i have a hp pavilion slimline so i think i need a better fan
if i was you i would down grade to xp its much better then vista
xp FTW!!!!
although i'm switching to a mac I:I once my credit card gets approved
best move you will ever make!
I have a macbook right now.... but in january I will be getting a 27 inch imac!!!!
they are so sick
The next computer I get I will build by myself. It isn't hard... like at all. And, it is way cheaper. Like, you could build one better then Alienware's best computer for like $900-1000.
thats what i've heard.... i have had dell run so slow it takes 10 minutes to start up... Then a month ago i received the blue screen of death, my hard drive crashed out of nowhere losing all my school papers!
a mac wont save you from a harddrive failure lol.
macs are gay as f**ck.i prefer my pc running xp.