Why are some of the Kids so rude on here ?

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im in no way pissed. i find it funny with all your "experience" you speak of, why cant you handle some young people talking smack? really no need for this thread. stop complaining and figure it out. or should i make another thread complaining about older people complaining?
This has become nothing more than a moderators freaking headache... I feel like we have to babysit this thread because someone will get stupid, and make us close it.

There are 6000 different personalities on this forum, and not every one of them will be mesh with all the rest... So why not agree to be different, and leave it at that... You all sound like a bunch of babies.

Give it a rest, and walk away !
I will admit it I am a little imature somedays and I am 25.. its not your age its how mature you are.. and if your mature then you know how far you can go before the line is generally crossed!
I am coming from the 30+ age group and here are my thoughts, respect goes both ways not just to who is older. There are probably a lot of "kids" on here that don't have a father figure or who's parents are just not interested in there hobby. How would you feel if you where 14 an spent your whole whole summer vacation mowing lawns and doing odd jobs to afford your first quad, or that aftermarket part you have wanted forever just to have someone comment "nice quad daddy bought/built you". You would probably retaliate and have no respect for the person who said that, right? I feel that if you take a moment and look at the situation you will see where there coming from. Sorry for the long post just kind of a personal issue for me.
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lol........He just proved my point....lol

your bringing it on yourself imo,
when you start a thread whining about children,its only human nature to take full advantage of said thread creator
i dont think these 'kids' like being called kids makes them sound like babys
i understand that you do get a lot of children that are little rodents but the way your typing makes you seem like your talking down at them
treat everyone here with respect and you'll get it back
im not gonna go into too much detail, but im 45 years old and have raised 5 kids, only 1 of them mine, but i got called a "pussy" last nite by a 14 year old on here, then all the teenagers gang banged me,
for tellin him what time it was, hilarious, they were all fired up! and couldnt even tell i was jokin, do we have to make an adults only section on here????

Ok, first off. Just like 89 said, hes just being straight up and so am I. I didnt call you a pussy nor did i call anyone else a pussy. I was referring to it in general but if you want to think that go ahead. You look like the immature one crying about and posting about it. As for being immature or rude I'm not, if you think that though, I'm not going to loose sleep about about. I'm not even going to argue with you on this one, why, because you posting in here and saying how I called a "you" a "pussy" just makes you look like a 14 year old. If people want to hold my age to it, go ahead, because I really don't care. Have a nice day :)
HAHAHAHAHA this thread is f*ckin stupid. yeah there are no doubt some little dick heads here but whatever if i wasnt gettin laid i would be grumpy also! I:II:I :p
just close this thread already it is getting out of hand. and as mentioned previously in this thread it doesnt matter if ur 5 or 35 it depends on your maturity I for one am 15 and I am often told I am very mature for my age but i'll leave it up to you guys to determine if I am mature or not.
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