where can i find this freakin site!!


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
ok, today i was thinkin, i like those motorworks motoflow oil free air filters and wan't one for christmas, but christ i can't even find the freakin site they're on, i checked motoworks site and there is nothing about them on there, can anyone help?
i have googled it till my eyes hurt, i can't find it i have seen their add in Quad magazine so i'll look for it there but the thing is is that all my issues are at school!!
UNI all the way, proven to trap more dirt and sand, ask the dunners they'll tell ya about the sand and k&n's, sure they last longer, they let half the sh*t flow thru!!!!
i don't care, all i started this thread for was to find where this air filter is, stopp bickering, if your a moderator close this thread cause all its gonna do is become an argument!
it not an arguement just some guys stating thier opinion on some airfilters.

UNI ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People are so touchy LOL