Will I need bigger jets?


Apr 27, 2019
2004 Blaster
Tors Delete
Vitos Carb cap yada yada w/ idle screw on side of carb
Bore is at 68 I believe
Wiseco piston
Stock air filter with lid on
Stock exaust
Elevevation from (https://www.freemaptools.com/elevation-finder.htm) says i'm at: 290.0 m or 951.4 feet
Stock Mikuni 26mm Carb

If you need more info just ask please, ty

Right now I can get it started no problem, just can't get it to idle properly without turning off, or I should say I can but turned the air screw +3 times out or more to get it to idle and it was sluggish. Idle screw on side of carb did nothing. Will take it off tomorrow, doing some more research first so I know how to tell what jet's are currently in it if they're not stamped on it. I can't remember what the clip position is on currently either. Posting in advance. :)

Also if there is any links to Jet kits so I don't have to keep waiting on shipping that'd be great, I'm having crap for luck with my search terms on ebay or amazon right now. Idc how much it is, link me, I'm dying to get this baby running right.
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Needle clip is on the 3rd.

Pilot says 32.5

Idk what size main jet this is. Nothing is stamped on it. I don’t have a tool to measure the mm inside diameter. I have another one that’s 135 though and that seems small, everything I’m reading says 240 or higher.

I just purchased 230-280 so hoping I’ll find one that’ll work.

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Well, I ended up finding more information about the vitos idle screw and I shaved more off so it went in even further and I got it to idle, now just trying to see if I can find the highest idle and tune it up.

I'll keep doing more research on here. Will I even need the higher main jets then??? I purchased 230-280

I bought 230-280 already. They’ll be here Friday. Been reading through the carb section for days. Think I’ll do 230-240 to start with.

I have it idling great. Found highest idle at 1 1/2 turns. But bogs out in higher gears. I could be pussy footing it too cause I’m nervous about blowing the new motor. Lots of work went into it and I want to be careful. Pretty much stock everything besides the Boyesen reeds, hot rod crank and wiseco piston. Lid on, stock air box.

Bought an load of br8es and b8es plugs. :)
I usually have to use a magnifying glass
List all of your mods, we’ll get you a starting point

No real performance mods. And as far as the magnifying glass, I can see the numbers no issue under a light on these other ones. This main jet one is literally blank.

Hot rod crank
Wiseco piston
KOR honed cylinder
Oil injection block off
Tors delete
Vito’s throttle cap on top of carb
Stock carb vm26 mukini with idle screw installed properly
Boyesen reeds
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Stock pipe? Stock air cleaner? Lid or no lid on air box? Snorkel?
Even deleting snorkel is good for one size increase.
At least you'll have good selection when you start modding.
Nope. Nothing. Thought about it, wanted to start right with getting it where it needs to be, already dumped 1k into the project. Want to make sure it’s good to keep going and then maybe get some extras for it.

Got the jets 230-280 in the mail today. :) start with a 240, maybe?

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240 is a safe start, it won't fry on one full throttle plug chop run to see where your at
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240 is a safe start, it won't fry on one full throttle plug chop run to see where your at

Good deal. Whatever was in there before I was bogging down in 3rd up it seemed like. Idled high at 2 turns on air screw, 1 1/2 was perfect.

Popped 240 in and then we got a flood warning and it started pouring. So hopefully test out tomorrow.