wheelie disasters.

I wheelied my old dirtbike one time and slid off the seat. I was hanging on by the throttle side. I couldn't let go cause my balls where about an inch away from the back tire, and lets face it, no way I'm going down that road. Somehow I managed to get back on the bike and get it settled down. But it was really close.


HA, that is the same spot that my pic on the other page was taken at, i was on the other side of the puddle/pond though. must be something with the sand there.
alright heres one for ya, although ive had a few minor bumperscrapers, this one was BAD.

i was out practicing a a private track, taking a hot lap(a slow lap) i hit a little jump and decided to, when i landed keep the wheelie going, the landing knocked my foot off and although i was off the gas the bike still went over backwrds, hard, i landed hard on my hip and watched the bike flip in to the bushes, when i went to get it out, i realized that it had landed on a bees nest, they got inside my gear, and stung me 5 times, one of them directly on the nipple. fml
Riding wheelies at a field a block over from my house

No back brakes so when it came to far back i went to bail off the back and my foot got stuck on the plastics and the blaster stayed in gear and drug me on my tailbone for maybie 15 feet,thats what i get for no grab bar

then also i was riding my girlfriend on a yz 125 in 3rd pin through some wet grass,well i decided to ride off the curb into the street,i went off at a angle and the back tire slid out from uner us,we slid about 10 feet on concrete,ate a hole through my pants and almost tore my kneecap off
well if a 3 y old lil girl tells u to wheelie u do it, my lil cuz was visiting i was warming up the blaster pop second, and launch myself off the back after like 30ft at 10 o clock position, hit my head with no helmet on, jumped back on the quad and took off into the woods to cry
well i've had a few.. one was just funny.. bakc when i was riding blasters still i had broken my flag tap off so i had a new one welded on at teh dunes.. they welded it kinda up in the front a bit.. well one day i was doign a wheeli thta got away form me in probbaly 3rd gear.. i slid off the back and that flag tab caught teh back of my pants.. the quad fell back onto it;s wheels still cruisin and i was upside down hooked to a driving quad.. my helmet was draggin on the ground and my feet were in the air... it was absoltuly hilarious.. only thing hurt was my pride.. haha
well i've had a few.. one was just funny.. bakc when i was riding blasters still i had broken my flag tap off so i had a new one welded on at teh dunes.. they welded it kinda up in the front a bit.. well one day i was doign a wheeli thta got away form me in probbaly 3rd gear.. i slid off the back and that flag tab caught teh back of my pants.. the quad fell back onto it;s wheels still cruisin and i was upside down hooked to a driving quad.. my helmet was draggin on the ground and my feet were in the air... it was absoltuly hilarious.. only thing hurt was my pride.. haha

yeah i know it only hurt's your pride... when i was playin around on my 80 in front of a girl i wheelied it into a fence
another one of mine wasn't so cool.. was may 08.. i had compeltely redone my banshee over the winter.. and built a new engine for it.. i tossed in a long rod crank 795 pistons and i port this oine a bit different then my normal midrange port.. this bikd RIPPED!! well anyway i was out drag racing it and beating up some 450's well on the way back i was doing a really nice wheelie.. pulled it up in 2nd and would shift all teh way thorugh 5th holding the wheels high... well down the side of the strip at silver lake there are little rollign hills probaly 5ft high or so well i was keepign a wheeile through all those too. it was really cool.. anway id done that a few times but the last time i was ripping through there in 5th haulin the mail... the carb cap came loose and held the quad WOT. it came too far back and i mised the back brake pedal.. i didnt; wanna bail cuz i just built this f*cking thing ya know.. well eventually it bucked me off and proceedes to do about 5 cartwheels across the sand.. heres the aftermath.. oh those balljoint had seriously about 2 hours ride time on them...

good news is i called burgard about teh balljoints lied and said i was at a big race and needed a ball joint to run the next day so tehy gave me the "secert" on their ball joints.. lets just say car quest overnighted me 2 of them and i was back on the sand the next day.. oh. and when i did thta people came runnign over goin "thta wheelie was aesome" and one guy said " damn dude are you the guy that ported that white banshee over there? the guy riding said to talk to you.. both those banshees RIP!! will you port me a set of jugs that was the coolest wheelie i've ever seen!"
i was in a forth gear wheelie on a banshee, bike started walking on me and went into a roll. i slid down the street to a stop, both knee's and my foot were down to the bone and elbow, arms, back, like 60% of my body was road rashed.. the bike only broke the shock and a-arm in half. it ripped my shoes, pants and shirt off completely. i quit ridding bikes for years after that. road rash hurts like a mofo.. of top of it if you have a head injury the scrub the cuts out with nothing to help your pain..
you must have been pissed............... i have tons of wheelie stories from my 80... i had just bought a new bumper for it and i wheeled it into a tree about half way up from it touching the grab bar and it WOT into a tree... i was in second 2...... but of course that wasn't very fast considering it was an 80