wheelie disasters.

good news is i called burgard about teh balljoints lied and said i was at a big race and needed a ball joint to run the next day so tehy gave me the "secert" on their ball joints.. lets just say car quest overnighted me 2 of them and i was back on the sand the next day.. oh. and when i did thta people came runnign over goin "thta wheelie was aesome" and one guy said " damn dude are you the guy that ported that white banshee over there? the guy riding said to talk to you.. both those banshees RIP!! will you port me a set of jugs that was the coolest wheelie i've ever seen!"

must have made your day!
i was in a forth gear wheelie on a banshee, bike started walking on me and went into a roll. i slid down the street to a stop, both knee's and my foot were down to the bone and elbow, arms, back, like 60% of my body was road rashed.. the bike only broke the shock and a-arm in half. it ripped my shoes, pants and shirt off completely. i quit ridding bikes for years after that. road rash hurts like a mofo.. of top of it if you have a head injury the scrub the cuts out with nothing to help your pain..

road rash = extreme pain.......
rockstar was riding one of my shees back before he had any.. well we were coming up this steep hill and jumping the top between 2 trees it was really tight like a couple inches clearance.. well rockstar comes to teh top and doenst jump but ripps a big wheelie and get off course.. rides teh wheelie into one of the trees and has so much momentum going that he actually climbed the tree with the banshee... there was a piece of a broken branch up about 8ft off the ground.. (quads about 6 ft long so the tires were about 2 foot off the gorund)the front of the frame hooked on that and he fell of of course.. but it was funny as hell to see a banshee hanging in a tree.. hahaha it still makes me laugh. me and rocstar were talkign about that just the other day... anyway eventually the wieght of the quad broke that little branch peice and it fell down.. but rockstar will NEVER live that one down... i'll still bring that up when i'm 80 hhaha
well hes a funny one,i rip wheelies up and down my street all the time and i 4 of my buddies were over just hangin out and working on the cars and quads,well my one buddy shows up in his Dodge Ram 1500 and pulls on the left side of the road where NO ONEEEEEE EVERRRRR parks,he decided to be a jack ass and do it on purpose bc he knew i was riding around the block to rip it down the street. Well i was in about 4th gear and 15ft from the truck when i realized it was there,NO BACK BRAKES mind you. Well i had a choice of bailing and just f*cking his truck and my blaster up,or riding it out and f*cking myself up to...I BAILED!!! lmao when i rolled i endded up dislocating my shoulder and it popped right back in but was sore for 2 weeks. The Quad hit the ground did a full complete side flip in the air,and hit the truck with the rear tires...NOTHING happend to the blasty or the truck...he looked at me and said "bro wtf was that????!!!!" i looked at him and said "If you cant Dodge it,Ram it!" lol we all laughed and cracked open some beers. lol.