Whats your new years resolution?


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
What is everyone's new years resolution(s)?

Mine are: #1 Save more money, #2 Get the quad back together and keep it together for a while, #3 Start caring about things and not give the i don't give a sh*t attitude anymore.
/\/\/\/\ i agree, whoop twice as many four pokes as last year
This is a random/stupid question but is a right bend pipe better for bottom end or top end? I can't remember.
1) bolt my ass off at work when i go back in 3 days..impress the new boss.
2) be a better family man.. Afternoon sh*t is gonna be hard on us.. 3pm-1am
3) move out of the house were in.. this place sucks..
4) mod the blasty and be done before spring hits..
Girl friends and dating is over rated! Random hook ups are better brotha^^

thats the way i roll brotha,. pretty much get a girlfriend form a random hookup, and maybe, get in even better shape then i am, if thats possible, and do a little better in school and sports, and start joggin agin, for 3 mi. every day.