LOLz out of my chair....

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LOLz out of my chair....
bahahahaha sh*t..u sayin its not possible? or u sayin it is, i just havent? how many bb stroked ported blasters have u ridden? without a fmf pipe? how many have you seen? look at stock banshee hp,look at bb modded blaster hp..then come back and tell me y u dotn think it is possible. thanks
y u gotta make this an arguement? its the truth. what do u 2 guys know anyway? u both ride stock engine blasters. get some knowledge and come back.
y u gotta make this an arguement? its the truth. what do u 2 guys know anyway? u both ride stock engine blasters. get some knowledge and come back.
guess i forgot to say it has ct bb top end pp stroker crank rdz pipe timing plate 8 inch swing arm lowered and tuned on 110 lol
ive raced a ktm 125sx and beat him also i beat a yfz 450 by a tire but i think he let me win lol but a win is a win
haha this thread is funny to look at how many people lie about what they beaten... ya i beat a quadzilla in a quarter mile drag haha..
when i had my blasty i beat a fat kid chasing after a cup cake by a tire.. he tried to eat my tire after i ran over the cup cake
ahhah some of these people kill me....saying they have beat 450s and 250rs...and sh*t like that that, that would RUN ALL OVER THEM
haha its great some of the people on almost stock blasters saying they are keeping up with raptors.. what is "keeping up with them" 10 lenghts behind them is not keeping up with them.. my 250R is "keeping up with them" im at 4 lengths and the raptor isnt toped out yet. the raptors have a ton of gear and most bolt on quads cant keep with them.. i can beat raptors on my 250R if there was only enough room to get to 4th gear... still funny to read all of this
whats done to your bike? a ktm 125sx would beat a yfz450.
the guy saying his blaster would beat a ktm 125sx is funny because those are 40 hp stock and are alot lighter than a four wheeler, he would have to have alot of mods.