what happened?

it's possible he jetted for the filter ?
you'll need to pull the carb and check the main jet # to see, might as well look into the intake and see if all 4 reed petals are intact while you have the carb off.
how many times have you cleaned this filter since you've owned it ?

I've only cleaned it once when i first bought it from him. what is the stock Jet #?
I've only cleaned it once when i first bought it from him. what is the stock Jet #?

cleaned the air filter 1 time in over a year ???
very unlikely it's getting enough air to be lean on the main jet.
was it cleaned and oiled using the K&N cleaner and oil kit ???
The plot thickens!

yet we've seen it way too many times....run it into the ground with zero maintainence, then asked what happened.
the troubleshooting/maintainence guide should be the homepage for this whole site, and required reading before any posts can be made
yet we've seen it way too many times....run it into the ground with zero maintainence, then asked what happened.
the troubleshooting/maintainence guide should be the homepage for this whole site, and required reading before any posts can be made

I second that motion.
yet we've seen it way too many times....run it into the ground with zero maintainence, then asked what happened.
the troubleshooting/maintainence guide should be the homepage for this whole site, and required reading before any posts can be made

At least the lad has age on his side, I know how hard it is to get my lad to do anything to his bike, he is all too eager to grip and rip.
Very unlikely that jetting is the problem on a stock bike, though I would put in a 250 main if you already have the carb off. Do some simple diagnostic testing before you crazy and pull the carb and do a leakdown.

Check for spark, likely a fouled plug or loose wire, if you have spark check for fuel flow, if you have spark and fuel flow, check compression.
Very unlikely that jetting is the problem on a stock bike, though I would put in a 250 main if you already have the carb off. Do some simple diagnostic testing before you crazy and pull the carb and do a leakdown.

Check for spark, likely a fouled plug or loose wire, if you have spark check for fuel flow, if you have spark and fuel flow, check compression.

Stock bike with K&N filter = 1 to 2 size bigger main jet.

Colder weather = 1 to 2 size bigger main jet.

Start at #270 and confirm by a plug chop.

$5 to replace a plug if it fails from fouling.

$200 + if it fails from cooking a piston from being too lean.
yet we've seen it way too many times....run it into the ground with zero maintainence, then asked what happened.
the troubleshooting/maintainence guide should be the homepage for this whole site, and required reading before any posts can be made

I third that! but won't happen! 8-|
Did you ride it at all last winter (no problems) ??8-| TORS/parking brake dis abled yet? Have you done any of what has been suggested yet? How cold was it out? It is possible to cold seize a perfectly tuned engine.:-[
Did you ride it at all last winter (no problems) ??8-| TORS/parking brake dis abled yet? Have you done any of what has been suggested yet? How cold was it out? It is possible to cold seize a perfectly tuned engine.:-[

Good call Larry.

Riding without adequate warm up can cause it to sieze, but he said he had been riding for an hour when the problem occured.

I was too thinking outside the box, but have never seen it happen because the temp here does not get too low, but could the oil in the tank have been cold enough to hinder flow.
My son seized the Blaster on the lake wide open 6th gear, it was between 0 & -10F. Also know a guy that seized his YZ250 on the ice, they don't have a thermostat.

This is the same as hammering on a cold engine, except the cylinder was warm, then is cooled excessively.
Any word on the compression. Reed condition fuel flow. Did u look at ur air filter. There is simple test that take less then five minutes to do that would let us know enough to help you. Rent a compression tester from autozone u put your 40 bucks up an u have 90 days to return to the store an receive ur 40 bucks back.

A compression test will tell us alot it takes five minutes

Take ur plug out, place the correct adaptor on the tester an screw it into ur spark plug whole ( I always take my gas tank off because it makes it easier). Hold throttle wide open ( with switch on) kick the bike intill the gauge stops increasing ( 5-10 kicks should get ya there) record findings an let us know. Like I said 5 minutes will get u way closer to finding a solution. Also like Awk said on page 2 while u have the plug out befor compression testimony plug it into the boot turn ur switch on ground it to the cylinder an check for spark.
Stock bike with K&N filter = 1 to 2 size bigger main jet.

Colder weather = 1 to 2 size bigger main jet.

Start at #270 and confirm by a plug chop.

$5 to replace a plug if it fails from fouling.

$200 + if it fails from cooking a piston from being too lean.

I stand by my recommendation, look for the obvious stuff first.

I have three blasters in my garage, one of them is a stocker with a K&N/outerwear. I run a 250 main in it and it is running rich when the cover is on.

2 jet sizes for cold air would require a 60 degree change in temp, and even that would not likely sieze a stock motor. Highest elevation in Wisconsin is 1900 feet (one jet size), elevation is not a factor here.

So I guess I would say it is possible that it siezed from jetting, but I still would look for spark / fuel flow first. if not that, then compression.

If all that is good, it should run. If not, then a leak down test would be called for.
Id say check the reeds for sure. About a month ago i was riding a blaster i just acquired and it shut off on me and made alittle bit of racket. Found out 1 of the reed petals flew off into the carb....kinda crazy it didnt end up in the motor side
Id say check the reeds for sure. About a month ago i was riding a blaster i just acquired and it shut off on me and made alittle bit of racket. Found out 1 of the reed petals flew off into the carb....kinda crazy it didnt end up in the motor side

I had a reed petal break off same thing shut off on me. Wouldn't kick start however my motor sounded perfectly fine when I was kick starting it an when it shut off it jus sounded like it ran out of gas