what happened?


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
well up here in wisconsin we just got a bunch of snow. I remembered how fun last year was so i decided to take the blaster out and hit some snow drifts. i was riding around for around an hour when all of a sudden it just like shut off, right after i hit my jump. it seemed like the motor would still turn over or something because it sounded like stuff was moving when i tryed kick starting it. i checked the gas oil and tranny oil and everything seemed fine. i'm wondering if anyone can diagnose this or has had a similar problem. i'm thinking it blew up but i hope not!!!! please helpX(
Well my lad you have just learnt a very valuable lesson.

Any changes in temperature/ elevation/ breathing/oil ratio, require a jet change, confirmed by a plug chop.

that really becomes critical if any mods are done to the bike, a completly stock bike really isn't that sensitive to jetting. my first all stock blaster ran for 8+ years on the stock 230 main jet, in temps from 90+ to below feezing.

i'm leaning towards a simple fix if this bike is completely stock
check your electrical connections for sure, you say you jumped it, and then it died, so I would checking even down to if maybe the plug wire came off.
Well my lad you have just learnt a very valuable lesson.

Any changes in temperature/ elevation/ breathing/oil ratio, require a jet change, confirmed by a plug chop.

well you have right to call me a dumb@$$ but what is a plug chop and how do you do a jet change?
well you have right to call me a dumb@$$ but what is a plug chop and how do you do a jet change?

click the link i posted above, most troubleshooting/tuning/maintainence procedures are linked in there
that really becomes critical if any mods are done to the bike, a completly stock bike really isn't that sensitive to jetting. my first all stock blaster ran for 8+ years on the stock 230 main jet, in temps from 90+ to below feezing.

i'm leaning towards a simple fix if this bike is completely stock

just to clear things up this bike is all stock for the engine except for a K&N air filter and a D.I.D. chain Lol
well you have right to call me a dumb@$$ but what is a plug chop and how do you do a jet change?

I apologise for harsh words, I just realised that I got out of the wrong side of rhe bed, things will improve.

Plug chop.

Warm up motor to operating temp.

Fit new B8ES plug, ride through the gears and hold WOT in 5th or 6th gear for 10 seconds, or as long as you can safely.

Switch off the motor and pull in the clutch, roll to a stop.

Take the plug out and replace the old one for the ride home.

Carefully cut the threaded end off the plug to expose the insulator.

There should be a smoke ring of a cardboard or biscuit colour around the insulator.

If it is non existant or a very light colour, you are lean and require a larger main jet.

If it is a lot darker you are rich and may go down a size in main.

I prefer to run a little on the darker side, I may loose a little power but it is worth it for the peace of mind that I won't need a rebuild so soon.



This is a good to go plug.


This one is a little rich, but I would run it, I like to be on the safe side.

just to clear things up this bike is all stock for the engine except for a K&N air filter and a D.I.D. chain Lol

the K&N filter requires a bigger main jet by 1 or 2 sizes,
a plug chop will confirm this.
how long has the K&N been in there ?
the K&N filter requires a bigger main jet by 1 or 2 sizes,
a plug chop will confirm this.
how long has the K&N been in there ?

I have no clue how long it's been in there it's a 2003 Blaster and i became the second owner in 2011 so i dont know when the previous owner put it in
I have no clue how long it's been in there it's a 2003 Blaster and i became the second owner in 2011 so i dont know when the previous owner put it in

it's possible he jetted for the filter ?
you'll need to pull the carb and check the main jet # to see, might as well look into the intake and see if all 4 reed petals are intact while you have the carb off.
how many times have you cleaned this filter since you've owned it ?
The main jet is located in the bottom of the float bowl on the carby.

so when someone says they need to adjust the jetting how do you do that exactly and when you say main jet does that mean there are other jets? there for do i need to do something with them or just the main jet sorry i'm clueless:-/
we should really be starting at the basics here, since your still asking questions and obviously haven't run down thru the troubleshooting guide i posted above.......

pull the plug and check for spark while grounding it to the cylinder head
check for fuel flow to the carb, open the drain screw on the bottom of the carb to check for fuel in the carb bowl, then move on to checking the reeds, compression test and leakdown tests