What Bikes/Quads Have You Had Over The Years?

May 18, 2012
Hi thought id start this to see what everyone has had over the years I:I

Iv Had Since i Was 11

2 Loncin Pitbikes 125cc (always Ran)
Apache 100cc Quad (never ran. auto clutch packed in.)
2 Skyteams 125cc and a 150cc(one run and other the forks were seized Great fun though just ended up in bed after everytime i was out! haha)
Yamaha Yz 125cc 1988
Yamaha Yz 125cc 1990
Suzuki Rm 125cc 1992
Suzuki Rm 85cc
Stomp Pitbike 125cc
150cc Quad had a scooter engine fitted.
Yamaha DT 125 In Red got this taken off me as it turned out to be stolen!
Yamaha Dt 125 in black(bought off a mate for £50 never ran needed a rebuild. swapped it for a moped and sold moped for £200 :D
Yamaha Xtz 660cc road bike was one powerful bike
Quadzilla Linhai 260cc road quad(gearbox was f*cked!)
Yamaha Blaster 2001 Rolling chassis
And My Current Yamaha Blaster 2002 ;)

iv had a few more but i can't honestly remember! in total my grandad has drove about 500-700 miles since i was around 11 upto just now getting them lol and he has now given up and said iv to find my own transport i cant guess why? :-/ 8-| lol but so wish i had all them just now would get my quad done with the money from them. I:I
i started late, in my early 30's ............
early 80's KLT250 3 wheeler,
87 200x,
my first blaster...brand new '96,
97 300 lakota,
currently..... '99 & '01 blasters
i started late, in my early 30's ............
early 80's KLT250 3 wheeler,
87 200x,
my first blaster...brand new '96,
97 300 lakota,
currently..... '99 & '01 blasters

awesome :) there's a guy over here about 10 miles from me that has a trike he said its not the tri z but he said there rare he had it imported from the us. think it was the yamaha dx . hes wanting solid money for it though. i bought yz spares off him about 3 months ago but he worked at my local track
i learned though from buying Chinese imports should have learned from the first couple but it took me to my third last quad to learn lol
I think I moved pretty fast when buying/owning quads. I started getting into the ATV world when I was 18, since my parents forbade me from having an ATV or dirtbike while growing up as a kid. I started off with a 1994 Warrior that had no fire. Having little experience with ATV's up until that point, I bought a service manual for it and started wrenching. While the Warrior was still dead, I bought a running 1999 Banshee and enjoyed it until I got the Warrior fixed.

Then I got a completely worn-out 1993 Blaster. While looking for parts to fix it up, I found a better deal on a 1999 Blaster with just a broken kick starter, so I sold the 1993 as-is and set to work on the '99. Then I saw a steal of a deal on a 2005 Blasty (my current ride), and knew I had to have it. So, after a 4 hour round trip, it was mine!

After I fixed the 1999 Blaster, I bought another 1995 Blaster sight-unseen (a big mistake) that was supposed to be a project. Yeah, it never got done. I didn't want to tie up $$ on a full rebuild, so I sold it and actually made a little money on the deal.

I've also owned three and a half (basket case! lol) Kawasaki Bayou 220's, a Honda Recon, a Honda ATC 110, two more Banshees, a Polaris Trailboss 250, another 1999 Blaster, a Honda TRX 450r....and I think that's it!

When I moved to NC from Texas, I got out on my own and had to downsize. I took 4 quads with me in a Uhaul truck. My wife still jokes that only about half the truck was filled with our personal belongings...the rest was quads! Actually, that was more the truth than a joke! :D

Now that I'm married and own a house at 22 years old, money is tighter and I'm just keeping my 2005 Blaster for the moment. When my wife finds a job, I'll start building up my collection again. An Extra-Special Edition YFZ 450 (you'll seeee...) is on the list, as is (probably) a Polaris Sportsman 400HO for the wife to ride. Time will tell.
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89 blaster 00 ttr90 01 ttr 90 98 xl 100 08 peace sport 110 and last but not least 86 moto 4 225 my dad bought pretty mutch brand new
I think I moved pretty fast when buying/owning quads. I started getting into the ATV world when I was 18, since my parents forbade me from having an ATV or dirtbike while growing up as a kid. I started off with a 1994 Warrior that had no fire. Having little experience with ATV's up until that point, I bought a service manual for it and started wrenching. While the Warrior was still dead, I bought a running 1999 Banshee and enjoyed it until I got the Warrior fixed.

Then I got a completely worn-out 1993 Blaster. While looking for parts to fix it up, I found a better deal on a 1999 Blaster with just a broken kick starter, so I sold the 1993 as-is and set to work on the '99. Then I saw a steal of a deal on a 2005 Blasty (my current ride), and knew I had to have it. So, after a 4 hour round trip, it was mine!

After I fixed the 1999 Blaster, I bought another 1995 Blaster sight-unseen (a big mistake) that was supposed to be a project. Yeah, it never got done. I didn't want to tie up $$ on a full rebuild, so I sold it and actually made a little money on the deal.

I've also owned three and a half (basket case! lol) Kawasaki Bayou 220's, a Honda Recon, a Honda ATC 110, two more Banshees, a Polaris Trailboss 250, another 1999 Blaster, a Honda TRX 450r....and I think that's it!

When I moved to NC from Texas, I got out on my own and had to downsize. I took 4 quads with me in a Uhaul truck. My wife still jokes that only about half the truck was filled with our personal belongings...the rest was quads! Actually, that was more the truth than a joke! :D

Now that I'm married and own a house at 22 years old, money is tighter and I'm just keeping my 2005 Blaster for the moment. When my wife finds a job, I'll start building up my collection again. An Extra-Special Edition YFZ 450 (you'll seeee...) is on the list, as is (probably) a Polaris Sportsman 400HO for the wife to ride. Time will tell.

haha I:I yeah i want to start collecting again but it won't be until iv got a job and iv got my blaster fully upgraded :) my mum wasn't letting me have a quad/bike either as i got a shot of a pitbike (manual) didn't know how to drive one at the time. rode it for about 5 minutes fine then coming back to where it is kept i popped clutch and flipped it. never done any damage but my mother wasn't happy lol! so that was me told no until my grandad secretly got a loan of £50/$70 and bought the yamaha dt of a mate. that was the first one i had and that's where i started selling and buying lol . i was bad for it as i only kept things for about 2 weeks lol . im studying to become a firefighter so once iv got a job(hopefully) il have some nice toys I:I was going to join the army but i wouldn't last and id rather do a firefighter then im not away for months and get to help people :) but it will be a long time as i never really went to secondary school..
haha I:I yeah i want to start collecting again but it won't be until iv got a job and iv got my blaster fully upgraded :) my mum wasn't letting me have a quad/bike either as i got a shot of a pitbike (manual) didn't know how to drive one at the time. rode it for about 5 minutes fine then coming back to where it is kept i popped clutch and flipped it. never done any damage but my mother wasn't happy lol! so that was me told no until my grandad secretly got a loan of £50/$70 and bought the yamaha dt of a mate. that was the first one i had and that's where i started selling and buying lol . i was bad for it as i only kept things for about 2 weeks lol . im studying to become a firefighter so once iv got a job(hopefully) il have some nice toys I:I was going to join the army but i wouldn't last and id rather do a firefighter then im not away for months and get to help people :) but it will be a long time as i never really went to secondary school..

Pretty cool plan! I my mom was none too happy when a customer brought me a pink 110cc Chinese ATV to fix one day. I got it going and proceeded to cut donuts in the back yard. She came out to see what was going on, just as I very nearly flipped it into her rose garden.

Yeah, my riding days in the back yard were pretty much over after that. lol. :o

I'm a firefighter, and let me tell you...its not an easy job, but its rewarding and very worth it if you have plenty of common sense, are willing to learn, and don't mind working under pressure in all sorts of situations. I love it. I come from a military heritage (my dad and both grandfathers served, and my mom was born at a military base in Guam as a result), but I never really wanted to join the military. Instead, getting into the fire service is/was my way of serving the community.
Pretty cool plan! I my mom was none too happy when a customer brought me a pink 110cc Chinese ATV to fix one day. I got it going and proceeded to cut donuts in the back yard. She came out to see what was going on, just as I very nearly flipped it into her rose garden.

Yeah, my riding days in the back yard were pretty much over after that. lol. :o

I'm a firefighter, and let me tell you...its not an easy job, but its rewarding and very worth it if you have plenty of common sense, are willing to learn, and don't mind working under pressure in all sorts of situations. I love it. I come from a military heritage (my dad and both grandfathers served, and my mom was born at a military base in Guam as a result), but I never really wanted to join the military. Instead, getting into the fire service is/was my way of serving the community.

sweet man! yeah man i was always good in primary school i always kept on top of my work and i loved maths lol but just by the time i was due to go to high school alot of stuff happened like family members dying etc and that kind of threw me off going along with the fact all the folk that went all started smoking/drinking and i wasn't like that. plus the gangs as well. but i do liking learning new things and i always listen :) i do like under pressure and iv red up on the firefightering and its the kind of job id like to do :) im attending a adult education course the now that's where im studying to get the qualifications i need. generally i like helping people so i think that's another good thing lol, what do firefighters get paid over your way? over here they pay £19000/$30000 in basic training. then it averages from £21000- £30000 good money but i do understand there is alot of work for to do it. but that's the job i want to do and when i want something il eventually get it. i do work hard i don't work the now but when im doing something i get it done and i do it well :)
I've had 3 banshees, 2 quadracers, 4 street bikes and I currently own 4 quads ( 3 blasters and a raptor 90 )

I've only got pics of some of my past rides.



Sucks to lose pics , I feel you on that, I've lost so many pics that it isn't funny > : 0 (.

You've had some pretty sweet rides tho !
Sucks to lose pics , I feel you on that, I've lost so many pics that it isn't funny > : 0 (.

You've had some pretty sweet rides tho !

yeah man wish i had them still would make enough cash to do my blaster lol. the xt i had was one good bike! i took it off roading with road tires! bad idea lol fell off so many times but was awesome on concrete I:I that would of been a sweet engine to fit into a blaster frame :p
11 blasters yes thats right 11
predator 90
polaris sportsman 500 h.o bought brand new
6 powerwheels
1 loncin 110 pitbike
When i was 15 i had a honda honda benly 125 was only fit for the back fields as it was to far gone to be put back on the road then never botherd in bikes or quads for some time then desided to get a 1985 kx80 (project) never got round to getting the rest of the parts for the motor for it and with it been a very old bike parts do not come round very often then i got a (none runner) kazumna 110cc quad great on flat ground but would try and kill you trying to off road it over hills and so on got shot of that waited a bit then i got my yamaha blaster what i have today the only pics i have of my passed bikes are them below


  • kazuma.jpg
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  • kx80.jpg
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49cc pitbike -first bike(i was 7 )
01 blaster
06 yfz 450
06 blaster
07 ltz400
kx 125
05 yfz 450
06 sx-f 250
cr 85
ltr 450
kfx 400









Oh god over the years we've had alsorts but if I list mainly the quads :p

We started by buying an Argocat KB for £10 which we spent months fully restoring and ran for a couple of years then we sold it for £1000, and got our Argocat Magnum in orange which we paid £600 and also restored and had for about 6 years then we sold that few months back for £2300 and a few yfz450 parts

Started off with some little suzuki 175 non runner which ended up getting scrapped

the got a chinese 125 and 150, used one as a doner and got he other runnng, had sooo much fun on this then sold it to my cousin for £300,
got a chinese 110 ram and slam 3 speed quad for £60 then swapped for a ps3 10games, and £100quid then later got it back for £50 and then swapped it for a 150cc buggy then bought it back a couple months later for£60 when it lost its spark :D then further sold it for £180 ;)

then i got a smc ram 170 which i learned to do gears on and ride properly, jump, wheelie etc

then we got 2 250 buggys and a 110cc buggy, the first one we paid £350 for road for a few weeks then sold for £1000, the other we paid 500 for road for a fewyears as it was road legal andsold for £750 we also sold the 110 to the same guy we paid 500 for it NEW but sold for 250 as the engine was fked..

The it gets exciting! I got my first blaster!! :D the white and pink one, paid £550 for it and spent £100 tops doing it up powder coating and such and make it look like new! then i crashed it:( got the blue blaster with a blow enginefor £400 made a good one out of the 2 then evntualy sold them for £1200

then my dad got his road legal dinli 450cc road legal which he still ha now!

then i got my 500predator which i stil have now and isnt going anywhere! :P

the other night we paid £220 for a honda c90, honda c50, apache 100 quad and a petrol scooter thing which we will sell all except the quad

and tonight where going to pick up my sisters blasters! :

probably missed loads to! over the years we have had soooo much stuff :p and have traveled THOUSANDS of miles, we wouldnt think anything about travelling 400miles round trip for 1 quad.. :)
Don't have many pictures of the other ones without really digging to find a developed one to scan, but here's the list:
Yamaha 60cc Zinger (dunno year). Found this pic on Google, just like it:

Yamaha 60cc Dirtbike (Dunno year). Another Google pic just like it:

1985? Kawasaki KX-500

1986 Suzuki LT-250r (My pic):

2002 Blaster (Completely Stock, blue)

2003? Honda CRF-150 (Stock, red)

2006 Blaster (My baby)

2006 Yamaha WR-450
My very first-

Then I graduated to a dual stick-

Then of course i got to big for those and went to this-

My parents would never let me own a motor bike or quad so i learned how to work on them in the neighbors garage, I was the go to guy when my buddies all broke down! Only good thing about that experience is i can pretty much fix anything, and learned to ride from fixing all my friends rides!