what annoys me

What annoys the piss out of me is when you pay 400bucks down on parts for your 450r and have to pay 1100 bucks all together (pretty good price for what happened to it) and they dOnt know when your crank will be in. Fml
I believe it is my right to choose to where one or not.In cali its law but in utah its not.If your under 18 yeah but Im an addult and its my choice.I dont like beeing told what I can do I live in America.Its law you half to wear a helmet on you bicycle these days.If I wear a helmet its by my choice and if my kids wear a helmet its because I say so:)
I believe it is my right to choose to where one or not.In cali its law but in utah its not.If your under 18 yeah but Im an addult and its my choice.I dont like beeing told what I can do I live in America.Its law you half to wear a helmet on you bicycle these days.If I wear a helmet its by my choice and if my kids wear a helmet its because I say so:)

im not going to tell someone to wear a helmet but i think its just a smarter choice to wear one, it can be a life or death matter, but yes we do live in america (most of us) it should be are choice to where one or not, it just seems stupid not to where one when it only takes 3 seconds to strap one one, and your setting a good example plus getting the peace of mind if you wreck you most likely wont damage your headI:I
I dont wear a helmet when I ride my bike, but of course Im not going 50 miles an hour through bumpy ass trails lol
I am nearly 70 years old, and I have witnesses far too many peoples lives ruined by a bad choice.

In my opinion, it is a very bad choice not to wear a helmet.:(

I wear a helmet, my family wear a helmet, and anyone who rides with us wears a helmet.

Rule at my place, if you intend to ride, and the motor is running, the helmet goes on.I:I

There are no prizes for bad choices, only pain.
IMO you must be an idiot not to, why not? would you say no to a stab proof vest if you were in a fight against a knife? :S