What aftermarket parts are worth getting?

I have a DC exhaust on mine and it makes better power then the fmf on my quad. I had them both on and the eg felt better back to back then the fmf.

If you change a header pipe you should also re jet the carb to suit.

Did you re jet for the FMF.
If you change a header pipe you should also re jet the carb to suit.

Did you re jet for the FMF.

I have the same jetting for both. 280 main with the air box lid off and a K&N filter, still running the TORS.:

The reeds are between the Carb boot and cylinder. Taking the Carb boot off will let you slide the Rees cage out.
what are reeds and where are they located on the quad

Reeds are located in the reed cage witch connects to your motor betwween it an the carb

Basically there between the carb the motor if ur on the carb side of the bike look to the left beside the carb there the intake then the reeed cage is right there

As for what they do im pretty sure they help with air flow im not an expert they can tell you more but i just removed my reed block with no prmblem first time i ever attempted its simple its for bolts an you have to take the carb off

Just remember to use the high temp copper gasket when putting it back together on the intake side an also leak test your bike after messing with the reed they leak alot in that spot

An btw you just bought your bike thursday have you leak tested it if not i would strongly recommend not riding you bike intill you have leak tested it you can by one from slickerthanyou a member on here there inexpensive an a VERY GOOD investment VERY GOOD!!
When the piston is going up it creates a vaccuum which is filled by the incoming air/fuel charge. The reeds open to allow this.

When the piston goes down, this charge is pressurised to transfer it to the combustion chamber, the reeds close to stop the charge being expelled back through the carby inlet.
an aftermarket set of reeds are more flexable wiche mean more power. but if you want real power get a vf3 reed cage
alright thats in your opion the best reeds? to get the job done?
I think i might try an buy them an the pipe this paycheck coming

Be open to what people suggest to you on the internet. what they think is worth getting may not be worth to you.

after spending $130 bucks on vforce reeds i think you will be disappointed in the cash money you spent. B)

if you want improving motor mods then you have to eliminate whats holding the motor back from making better hp. and the reeds arnt holding it back trust me. if i spent $130 on reeds i probobly would be bragging them up too, watch out for that sort of thing.8-|

the big restrictions of the blaster motor are the cylinder head, cylinder ports and pipe thats it!!!!!!!, if you improve these three things up i promise you more then double the hp then a stock blaster makes. Then i would recommend looking into reeds and other goods.:D

the rest is up to you but i liked widining my blaster 3in's using the stud wheel spacers on ebay are cheap and work fine. i loved my +3 swingarm and ltz400 rear shock.

it truly pays to read around abit
Like I said before... Port that stock cylinder,and have that head re-chambered! MORE power than anything your thinking of doing so far!

A pipe and reeds = about 4hp increase.

A ported cylinder,head mod and pipe = 30 HP +
Im saving for the head mod, bore, an cylender porting now but i also wanna put a set of reeds on there an a pipe lol i was just wondering what set of reeds would be best when i did go to buy a set of reeds
If your stock reeds are good, I would leave them as others have advised.
I have played with reeds over the years and the difference is very small.
The Blaster comes with very good reeds to begin with.

As Triplecrown (related to me) and JoeAK47 mentioned, MODIFIED HEAD! $60
It is the single biggest improvement you can make to your Blaster engine.
We didn't get this advice from someone else, we tried it out ourselves.

I was going to quote a couple lines from guys who have no experience, but are handing out advice.
Really? What are you adding to parrot something you heard?
Please, to keep this valid, tell us what you know for sure, what you have done, or something that adds to building our knowledge.
Pictures keep it real too, like I once heard on here: "No pictures, it's a lie!"

About pipes. Triplecrown and SHart work out of my garage, FMF and SHart has a DG.
The DG seems to work pretty good. Strong and peaky. Certainly no dog, especially for an otherwise stock engine.

While I haven't had much to do with Blaster pipes, I do have some experience with experimenting with 2 stroke pipes:


These are all just KTM 125.