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yeah, i jsut notice that there was no chat box, but what concerns me most is that there are weird different members that i have never hear of on this site!
that is weird? lotsof noobs who need to shut the heck up, like concord!!!, he has one post and is allready telling 89 to shut up, what a jerk!!!, i have a bad feeling about him, mods might want to check him out, sounds like gcxr 3.0!
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And nice paranoia blasterboy. Do you wear a foil hat and sh*t too? lol

Listen here dude, if your talking to me, you should just leave now. The last thing this forum needs is another scum like you around. You can act all tough and what not behind the computer screen, go ahead. We wont laugh too hard.
And nice paranoia blasterboy. Do you wear a foil hat and sh*t too? lol

trace this guys ip, match it to an existing account and you got the guy that did this.

POSTIVE. This mother f*cker is doing sh*t. Theres no way some random joins today and fights in a thread about this fake site unless hes trying to cover sh*t up.
trace this guys ip, match it to an existing account and you got the guy that did this.

POSTIVE. This mother f**cker is doing sh*t. Theres no way some random joins today and fights in a thread about this fake site unless hes trying to cover sh*t up.

+1 to that. I sent a mod a report about the thread. I thought the same thing 89.
HA 20 bucks also says its blaster01. also probably these other accounts to. im just jumping to a conclusion here, but this sh*ts getting hella f*cking confusing and the only reason i see people trying to defend a f*cking random phishing site is if its there own creation.

f*ck off.
Its part of blasterforum.com. It is blasterforum.com.

No worries.

I checked it out and if it was a third party website or w/e you wouldnt be able to stay signed in when you go there , meaning you would have to log in again if you clicked the link. Meaning its not trying to hyjack your sh*t. The guy who started blaster forum probaly had that (AtvGang) website in the beginning and changed the name. So now everytime you go to atvgang.com it redirects you to the updated web domain. Which is blasterforum.com

Stop being so paranoid it doesn't mean sh*t

I know some dumb ass that doesn't know sh*t about domains or itp protocols will probably say im part of the conspiracy and I only say that because there's always one dumb ass in the crowd and I can allready perdict it and allready know. Im here to help.

So don't worry to much about it blaster forum brothers.

Take it easy

Will a moderator please clear what I said so everyone can put this behind them.

this mother f*ckers right. BUT this mother f*cking also doesnt realize the fact that dates, reason, and data doesnt add the f*ck up. mother f*cker i say your in on this bullshit too, you just f*cking joined. your probably the same guy as this other smurf defending this sh*t.

i should be a cop.

lol. but seriously, am i not making sence about these guys?
HA 20 bucks also says its blaster01. also probably these other accounts to. im just jumping to a conclusion here, but this sh*ts getting hella f**cking confusing and the only reason i see people trying to defend a f**cking random phishing site is if its there own creation.

f**ck off.

Whats up with blaster01?
ok guys i have it setup to keep me logged in on here so that way i dont have to log in everytime i come to the site. so with that in mind i just went to the atvgang.com website and it redirected me 2 blasterforum and i was logged in and all the posts and threads were current
k, but i an having freek investigate concord, its weird how he gotall mean and nasty when i mentionds jshockey111, weird how he already left after 3 posts and never did anythingelse, this is all very confusing and weird, for now i will try to get my shcool computer freek to check out the site and try to find out what he can.
k, but i an having freek investigate concord, its weird how he gotall mean and nasty when i mentionds jshockey111, weird how he already left after 3 posts and never did anythingelse, this is all very confusing and weird, for now i will try to get my shcool computer freek to check out the site and try to find out what he can.

dude check out the chatbox. i just posted from the atvgang redirection and it showed up on here. if it aint legit then it is damn good at keeping pace with the chat box
I said this in the other thread; BF owns the atvgang.com domain name. They're the same sites. ATVGang just redirects to BF. Same sites, the IP's are the same.

I think BF owns that domain

Maybe it was a little rough jumping the gun on blastermaster01, but i dont see a reason to defend it. sorry bro, just suspisious of any weird stuff towards that site.

also, sorry for the massive amount of cussin, but i just hate hackers with a passion.
The reason people are coming on here and defending the site is because they hate seeing people acting like retards, esp. when they have no idea what they are talking about.

hahaha stupid f*cking reason, shut the f*ck up.

dude check out the chatbox. i just posted from the atvgang redirection and it showed up on here. if it aint legit then it is damn good at keeping pace with the chat box
and dude, atvgang.com is just a face. All the "guts" are grabed from blasterforum.com servers and just shown over there, so thats why some stuff may work.
sorry aboutthis concord, but you kinda makde me angry when you attacked 89 and me for no reason, just coolit and you might fit in well on this site, i just don;'t trust weird sites like that, ok.