

New Member
Jan 13, 2010
sorry about making another thread but what do you guys think about a video contest kinda like the botm, i got this idea from ltr450hq and, even if we didnt win anything it would be cool for bragging rights and stuff like that
dude just wondering, why did you make a new account...i cant remember your old account name thought, i no your name is jaron moore though
Yea Not a bad idea. Good way to get more vids and pics up. Id put this is the suggestions thread. :D
haha yeah my name is jaron moor no e at the end though and the reason i made a new account is because the only account wouldnt let me do anything what so ever the only thing i could do is view threads and thats it i couldnt even private message
yeah i think it is against the forum rules to have multiple accts. wouldnt want you to get banned cuz of it. seems like an innocent mistake.
yea i hope me bring this up dosent screw you over....but i would PM freek or cbarber and tell them what was going on.....hope you dont get banned or anything