Trick headlights

$15 lights at wal-mart


I think it looks pretty good


that does look decent, but your bumper needs some help! LOL
where are you guys finding the 25watt bulbs?
i went to wallyworld last night and found those exact lights, but i couldn't find 25watt halogen bulbs there at all!
tippman, dont run both 50 watt bulbs, they are dim because your stator cant put out that much, the stock bulb on a blaster is 45 watt, and your trying to pull 100 or more from the stator that was designed for a 45 watt light system. Good possibility for a non working stator in the future.

That is why the other dude switched out the 50s for the 25 watt bulbs. Save yourself some money and grief, and find some diff bulbs, or buy an aftermarket stator that puts out more wattage, but then your talking more cash......You could use that to buy yourself an even fancier aftermarket bumper!! =)
guys, i found those lights at lowes. they are in the light bulb section and i think they're called "outdoor lighting" type bulbs or something.
$9 for 3. and they made the lights much brighter on the blaster.....also made the stock light run at normal brightness.
i checked before i switched the bulbs and the stock headlight is noticeably dimmed if you run w/ the 50watters. that means that you may be adding 2 extra lights, but w/ the 50watts, you're also drawing power from the stocker.....defeating the whole purpose.
the 25watters don't draw any noticeable power off the stocker.
looks great!
i tried the headlight hookup and plugged the wires up and nothing but i can hook it straight to the yellow and red coming off the stator and ground it and they work, someone please help
blaster i had power when i hooked a multimeter to the yellow wire and a groung but nothing when i hooked it to the yellow and black and white wire
i got it figured out last night there wasw a break in the regulator wire i could move the wire and the lights would come on so no its fixed thanks for the help