Be an informed voter, write your government officials state, local and federal and most of all, be respectful when riding offroad on others property, do not trespass and read the local newspaper and watch on the internet for local activities and meetings of environmental groups such as the Sierra club. Do not do things that will give a bad name to our sport such as littering or making excessive noise. Another sad fact the government can make the manufacturers stop selling 2 stroke parts, dont believe it could happen huh, guess again. crooked politicians do pretty much what they want.
sh*t dude ok we need someone to take the initiative and start a petition... im 16 soooo... umm any suggestions.. how about we get all ppl who are 18 or up on this forum to sighn wel make copies and mail them and once everyone on this forum signed wel go to another forum like e2s and get all of them and i mean ALLL of them to sign and then go to likea banshee forum and a quadzilla forum and then wel move on to dirtbikes and pretty soon wel be nearing the thousands and hopefully we can also get signatures in our towns... if everyone got 5 ppl on their street to sign then i think just maybe we would have a chance at repealing that hippy BS law...

... and who will start this off

we need a leader huh?
To stand a chance to get anything done you would have 2 get millions of signatures on a petition and even then I don,t think it would help. A lot of Americans are fed up about how unresponsive government is to the voters. A lot of people havebeen trying to get the government to enforce the laws against illegal immigration and we cannot even get that done because some big businesses who like the cheap labor don,t want the laws enforced that are on the books. Until 100 percent of the voters actually vote and we get people in office who actually represent the people and not corporate America nothing is likely to change.....sorry but thats how it seems to me it is anyway.
its not 4 strokes fault 2 strokes are a thing of the past

woh, i dont understand how people favor 4 strokes over 2 strokes now. 2 strokes are half the weight and double the hp of a four stroke, 4 strokes are unreliable, put up a fight to cold start, throw you over the bars when downshifting, slow, quiet and you have to change the oil. and for the 2 stroke- you have to mix gas and you have to hold. and i know they stopped making them becuase they pollute, but look at diesels- there are more diesels than 2 strokes. but they still make diesels. 4 strokes just dont rip, if all the new rider that ride 4 strokes just try a 2 stroke, they wouldnt go back, im never going to a 4 stroke.
im not saying i like 4 strokes better im saying quit being a baby about it and accept the fact its not 4 strokes fault 2 strokes are discontinued, be mature about it... thats the same thing as a lazy fat ass sitting at home without a job eating all day watching tv complaining that mexicans took his job.. chances are that guy got fired cuz hes lazy and mexicans do the work he wouldnt want to do like clean porto-pottys anyway... dont be that guy just accept
woh, i dont understand how people favor 4 strokes over 2 strokes now. 2 strokes are half the weight and double the hp of a four stroke, 4 strokes are unreliable, put up a fight to cold start, throw you over the bars when downshifting, slow, quiet and you have to change the oil. and for the 2 stroke- you have to mix gas and you have to hold. and i know they stopped making them becuase they pollute, but look at diesels- there are more diesels than 2 strokes. but they still make diesels. 4 strokes just dont rip, if all the new rider that ride 4 strokes just try a 2 stroke, they wouldnt go back, im never going to a 4 stroke.

2 strokes are not half the weight nor do they have twice the hp. 4 strokes are not unreliable, not hard to start if you take care of them, if you learn to shift you wont go over the bars, not all and 4 strokes are actaully pretty damn loud when you through a pipe on them. Your right throw, you do have to change the oil.
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