to ppl with vitos 240 bbk

buying it new, probably, but i got shafted buying it a bit used and cost me more than its worth and it still needs to be ported to make any good power.
is it really worth the $525 bucks honestly if u could go back would you buy it again? and what are the differences you feel?

actually yes i think it's worth it. you get extra horsepower, and the advantages i see are if you have wildcard racing port it for ya you already have a cylinder with triple exhaust ports and come out cheaper than some of the ready ported bb cylinders.
its definately worth it if you get the bb ported. without porting its not that good. You'll also want to make sure that you get a forged piston for it, so ur actually spending more then 525 for the kit.
typically it'll cost you about 200. If you want to do it right and have it run like its suppose too, then the set up's going to run you closer to a grand
yes i think it was worth it, i love the power of the ported 240 i don't think i will ever go back to a std bore cyli.
It is not that good of a kit without getting it ported.There are casting flaws everywhere and once you get it ported and reworked it will make a big difference.IMO