This thing is crazy!

Wonder what was required to mount the swingarm? If its not a hack job, that would be kinda cool to have. It would need to be a 2-stroke before Id ride it, though.
Well that came out OK I'd say. Def different. I bet that big, heavy 250 poker is holding it back. Should have just used a blaster motor!
Somebody out there makes (or used to make) a trike conversion kit for the Honda TRX 450r's. I'd rather go that route if I was to get a high-performance 4-stroke trike.
looks to be a good platform idea for a build, but not exactly a perfect bike for it, i woulda used somethin like a kdx200 (2 stroke powa!) deffinently needs a wider axle and forks and a triple clamp off 3 wheeler with a bigger front tire!