This is the End

Welp really looks like its the end today... guy is comming to take a look at It and most likely buy it. So I have to get it running again since it ha sent started for 2-3 months. Anyways, I'm hoping to sell for 1500 lowest will be 1100 and with the money I.have in the bank from work and quad and hopefully x mass I will have 2k to buy a ford ranger. Also might be getting another job and also getting some cha cha off YouTube. First 100$ check is in the mail. Then time to start saving for another quad. And back to racing.

It sucks really bad to give up something you really love to do because your means of transportation dissent allow you. It really does. I was talking to a couple of friends about racing and I see a lot of my track bros post pics and medals, sponsors, and season finales trophies. And all I gots is 1 3rd place out of 4 plaque. I mean yea for what happened that weekend is a wonder that I still raced.

Owell guess I have to just keep working and keep making money. Hopefully I will make 3k in 2 years.

With that being said. I just wanted to thank everyone who was a part of this. Means and appreciated lot!

-Patrick McMurdy
Well I know you have been Trying to Sale for Some time now Patrick , Best of luck with the Sale and hope you can still come on here every now and then !
believe it or not im auctally on here every day. just in time spans of 2secs. lol i always just pop on and check my subscribed threads.... etc..

owell sucks it has to go, but its not doin any good sitting in my garage collecting dust. not even being able to ride it. so better off it goes. who knows what happens after this lol.