this blows!

sorry to hear that man, hope it somehow does get reversed, well, you can pull through this, ive pulled through near death 6 times so far, and im still out flying along, making huuge explosions, makign fires, shooting rifles, doing archery,dragging my banshee and riding my blaster,, so i think you'll be ok for hearing, if you can, keep us updated on if you think its getting better or worse, i like to hear from people who are potentially not well, so that i know everything is alright in a sense of the word "alright..."
Dam dude I would almost rather be blind then deff but thats just me and im sure alot of people disagree. Good luck and maybe it will get reversed. If I prayed at all id be praying for you.
no improvemnts so far.... the audioalogist and doctors say that the sickness i had which made me lose a great amount of hearing is something that never gives it back gunna be a listen up fools.

YOUR PERSCRIPTION IS TO LISTEN TO "Disturbed / Down with the Sickness" everyday for the rest of you life lol.
damn dude, at this age, idk wat the hell dude but ill pray for you too, idk why god does some of the things that he does but i guess again that it is one of those things that we take for granted