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I have a huge ammo can of .22 for some reason I can't post pics. Sorry guys, I was going to put up some ammo porn and I cant.
.22 i dare you to try and find it
I can get ammo here. The stores keep so much on hand but it's like almost $20 for a box of 20. That's 5.56 and 7.62x39
we buy used 5.56 casings from scheels. shot once, usually already polished

then we set them up for .223
we currently have over 500 bullets (not loaded shells, bout 250 of them) plenty of primers, and need to surplus ourselves with powder

just bought ourselves another .223 from walmart :oops:
dont judge though. its a diamond back and cheaper than any other store lol. plan to use for coyote and prairie dogs

just a stripped rifle atm. bought the gun and saving some more money for scope. got a bipod though, on sale at cabelas

idk how much ammo we have for other guns, cant say its much though... we dont have any reloading stuff other than .223 and my dads .375 pistol
Vitos 240 and worked head???


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