88 kawasaki tecate 450? Might be able to score cheap. Thoughts?
Not in PA. You pay $25, run your background checks, and give you a permit. That's about the only good thing this state has going for it.
They are good for 5 years in Washington county. Mine gets renewed next year.
I also rub snuff, drink beer, and cuss. LolYou guys are just clinging to your guns and your religion. Wait didn't somebody else say that ?
That sure was an uneducated.opinion.. Do you know what amendment rights are and what they are about ?.
I also rub snuff, drink beer, and cuss. Lol
I would say stacy was just joking with his above statement,
it is actually a quote from Mr. Obama
stacy probably knows quite a bit about constitutional rights and guns.......................
View attachment 11644
U.S.N. Veteran. <<<<<<< View attachment 11645
True dat mr. Awk being that I served this great country and have a ccw. I respect religion and the 2nd amendment greatly.
Thanks for putting your country and every american citizen FIRST for all those years.True dat mr. Awk being that I served this great country and have a ccw. I respect religion and the 2nd amendment greatly.
Wow that looks like a good dealsome people just aggravate the crap out of me!i found a blaster on craigslist. http://kansascity.craigslist.org/for/4631616792.html. and the guy wont answer his phone!!
it is 45min from me i would not mind taking 100 bucks out on that thing lol
Every year our local fire department has a little carnival, they also have a small parade. The applause the Vietnam Veterans receive brings a tear to my eye every year. What a proud group of men, that finally are getting the respect that has been long overdue.