The Tavern - Your Chatter Feed

Harley has a gift, I have seen it first hand.

When we arrived at his place there were 3 riders and only 2 bikes, not a good combination.

Within hours there were another 2 bikes to ride, everyone happy!
that I do have[a gift:cool:]and as for the deals they have came to me my whole life:D.when we where in Maryland I was the guy every 1 went to when they needed to find some thing
i got my payment today for doing homeboys rear brakes:)
im happy and so is my son :)

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we had one of those, great fun. But our batteries werent the best, and we replaced them soon after we got it (from garage sale so inevitable)

yes i just priced them and they are actually not that bad,compared to my other power wheels battery :)
i got it on charger we will see how it turns out but my bet is new batterys lol 24v
My rant of the day. How in the hell can a dealership not carry brake pads in stock?! This is a safety item and the packaging is small enough to support most models. What a Fricken waste of my time and gas.