The great snow of 09'

Paulie B

New Member
Jan 17, 2008
At least on the East coast.
Last time it snowed this deep was in 79' and I remember it came up to my neck of course I was only about 3 feet tall then lol
First pic is from a friends back porch.
It's up over the pole now!
The others are my trails if you can see them- yeah were not gonna be able to hit them for a while.
Last is my yard and it's still coming down!



wtf??? where is my snow???? its not even snowing.... i think were supposed to get 2"....

Really? That sucks!
It's a big big storm I would have thought you would be covered bro.
I'm in southern Maryland.
I got the live doppler hook up.
It appears the storm has came back on us in a circular motion.
Were supposed to get hit for another 4 hours.....
not a damn drop of snow were i am.. i wouldnt mind 2ft of snow it would be awesome i wanna try out my sled now that i got it tuned right in.. and make money plowing
Hope all of you guys stay safe. get your sleeping bags and heaters ready for when the power goes out
We are supposed to get 10-16 inches tonight starting any time now!! I love it when it snows on the weekends.The beater blaster is all fueled up waiting for it to come down.The worst part of all CLEANING UP THE DRIVEWAY AND VEHICLES.LOL
We are supposed to get 10-16 inches tonight starting any time now!! I love it when it snows on the weekends.The beater blaster is all fueled up waiting for it to come down.The worst part of all CLEANING UP THE DRIVEWAY AND VEHICLES.LOL

lol thats why you get a snowblower. only problem is the thing clogs up like crazy
lol thats why you get a snowblower. only problem is the thing clogs up like crazy

Oh I got one,but it is still a pain in the ass but better than shoveling.I have not touched it since last year,it has been under a tarp since then.I got it out yesterday,primed it like 10-12 times and pulled.First time it fired right up,I was happy especially cause it was given to me for free 2 years ago.Last year the shear pins kept braking so I got pissed and welded the auger to the shaft so now no more shear pins to break.But it is not the correct thing to do,but I had enough of dealing with
we got plow trucks :) in ny were aspost to get like 4-8 tonight.. i was hoping for a foot of powder maybe ill just take out my 400ex
I can wait till 2morra to rip up and down the street haha. i moved the blaser into the back of my truck and parked so i can just drive the beast out lol