The only thing that worries me is I don't know anything about a 4 stroke motor.
Its not that bad. You'll catch on to them quick.
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The only thing that worries me is I don't know anything about a 4 stroke motor.
If you make the deal, just keep in mind, Honda 4 strokes tend to go tight on valve lash. Buy the kit of valve shims and keep them in the tool box. Also buy the bent style feeler gauges. Another good thing to invest in is the kick starter. Get that along with the electric start as a backup. You will thank me later if you have a battery issue, starter issue or a starter gear failure out on the trails. If it has an fcr carb on it, get an adjustable leak jet. It will make carb adjustments much easier as well as a numbered fuel adjuster screw. HRC kits will wake the Honda up. As far as rebuilding 4 strokes, they are pretty easy.
i say its a win win situation you make yourself and ur wife happy hey i say inspect it and make sure its a good deal ur getting out of it then do it. i think the blaster is plenty of two stroke snap for you. I would also put the banshee up for sale and see what kind of offers u get both trade and $$$ wise. Weigh out your options then choose no rush!
The wife wont be happy with a 450r if she wants a 4x4 4-poke auto...
She really wants a 4X4 auto. She might have to settle with a 450. The good thing is I will be getting a Dirtbike out of the deal. I have missed my KX250 since the day I sold it.