1) Age: 33
2) Location: Orlando Fl
3) Sex: Male
4a) Do you drive: Yes
4b) If so, on average, how many miles or hours a week do you drive: 400
5) Do you text while driving: occationally
6a) Is it illegal to text while driving where you live: no
6b) If illegal and you do text while driving, why do you continue to do it: I would try no to
7) Do you talk on your phone while driving: yes
8a) Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving where you living: no
8b) If illegal and you use your phone, why do you continue to do it: N/A
9a) Do you agree or disagree with a cell usage ban: text only
9b) Why or why not: texting while driving is retarded and i shouldn't ever do it
10) What kind of ban do you think should be in affect: text
11) Current ban range from $100 to $500 in fines, can be a misdemeanor offense and include jail time, what do you think is an appropriate fine for texting/talking on phone while driving: normal minimum fine for traffic vilation
12) Do you believe texting while driving is a distraction: definately
13) Do you believe talking on a phone more of a distraction than texting:no
14) Do you believe texting/talking on a phone while driving is worse than drunk driving: no
15) Do you think the federal government should make a nation wide ban of cell phone usage while drive: no
1) Age: 33
2) Location: Orlando Fl
3) Sex: Male
4a) Do you drive: Yes
4b) If so, on average, how many miles or hours a week do you drive: 400
5) Do you text while driving: occationally
6a) Is it illegal to text while driving where you live: no
6b) If illegal and you do text while driving, why do you continue to do it: I would try no to
7) Do you talk on your phone while driving: yes
8a) Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving where you living: no
8b) If illegal and you use your phone, why do you continue to do it: N/A
9a) Do you agree or disagree with a cell usage ban: text only
9b) Why or why not: texting while driving is retarded and i shouldn't ever do it
10) What kind of ban do you think should be in affect: text
11) Current ban range from $100 to $500 in fines, can be a misdemeanor offense and include jail time, what do you think is an appropriate fine for texting/talking on phone while driving: normal minimum fine for traffic vilation
12) Do you believe texting while driving is a distraction: definately
13) Do you believe talking on a phone more of a distraction than texting:no
14) Do you believe texting/talking on a phone while driving is worse than drunk driving: no
15) Do you think the federal government should make a nation wide ban of cell phone usage while drive: no