Swing arm extension giveaway

everyone should take away all the points you can when giving the negative rep,this tool is nothing more than a scumbag and thief. Dont forget he also OWES ken oconnor 125 bucks i believe.

And to the mods closing the thread, start giving answers as to why, stop protecting this low life thief.
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i agree completely, we as brothers and paying members of this site demand to know what the F is being done about this ???? and why the threads informing us all to this rat BS keep getting closed?????, we are not gonna let this one rest till it is resolved!!!!
ok, ok, bergers swinger is one thing, it was free, but ripping off my man ken oconnor, who has been the biggest asset this site has seen since, well, maybe kennedy going awol
we want answers or we want heads????????
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Yb I offered you a swingarm at my cost when this raffle 1st came up... If you were having issues getting a swingarm from another source you could have always notified me, and I would have sent you the 3 that I have... heck even KX has one of mine at this time he could have shipped to you....

In fact I offered to send you a few swingarms so you had some in stock when people would order one of your extended ones...

this issue needs resolution. Either square up with the man or rescind you offer, and apologize...

This needs to come to a close before it gets even more out of hand.
not taking sides, as i think that the swinger should've been delivered as promised, but i'd be more worried about the ken oconnor swingarm than kx80berger's, as he no longer owns a blaster
/\/\/\/\ agreed,
blatantly not refunding $125 to someone you took it from, for a piece of crap that was returned and prolly resold to some other blind man, , needs addressed asap
i know if that was my loot, i would have personally came to your front door, went in your pocket and retrieved it, or took it out on your ass !!!!!
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Keep in mind guys, if yb has more rep than you, and you neg rep him, he can neg rep you back, and his negative rep is gonna screw you way more than yours will him.

I know nobody seems to think of this, but just saying. Im not gonna do it.
if he gives anyone negative rep, just pm me, i'll replace it for ya
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you are absolutly right

sorry boys i just dont have the time

and to think that i defended you in your first thread because u claimed u didnt have a swinger but now i see that even if you had the swinger u still probably wouldnt have made it, i thought all the bashing the first time was a little out of order because other people didnt follow through on sending the swingarm but now that more details have come out that i didnt notice in the first thread and you could have got a swinger from someone else but dont care enough about it to ask for it that freaking BS!!! this working a job and kids is just a BS lie to the real truth that u just dont wanna do it,i have a 7 month old and a 2 year old and i work out of town 5 days a week and i guarantee i could find atleast an hour a week or even 2 weeeks to get something done on it hell its been 5 months dude u cant honestly sit back and say that u havent had time to make a swinger. LOOK IN SBORNS THREAD U HAD PLENTY OF TIME TO HELP HIM BUILD ON HIS STUFF ONLY BECAUSE IT BENEFITTED U SO U WOULD HAVE SOMEONE TO RACE WITH. i dont see an apology needed all i see needed is a ban. he is of no use to this site anymore no one in there right mind would respond to a thread that he asks and i damn sure wouldnt listen to anything that u would say in a thread. and i will close with this GOODBYE YB FOR U WILL NOT BE MISSED!!!!!!!
i personally find it very irresponsible, when someone rips people off, knowing full and well the next time he opens his front door, someone named LOUIE, (you know him, "the slugger") may be standing there waiting to collect his debt, thus exposing his wife and kids to such a harsh collection agency is just ludicrous
i myself would seriously start reconsidering my blatant lack of integrity, responsibilty to my family and general doucheness, before that collection agency comes knocking, how could i sleep at nite knowing that all the people i have ripped off do have my home address in their possesion ????
i'd be gettin that peephole installed in my front door and my rear veiw mirror cleaned real good if i was that kinda person..............

whew, that was one helluva daydream !!!!!
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