
Just be careful.... Go into it with eyes open, and be ready to nit pick... You may be able to find enough easy fixes to get him down even lower or find enough wrong to decide this is not the one for you....

Either way if you have any questions fell free to PM me or look me up.... I own an 07 YFZ, and know a little about them.

ya iw would buy it if is in bad mechanical order ! but aslong as its not to much and just needs a bit of tyding ! thanks man really greatfull for the help ... a chit load of rep coming your way :D
Max ground clearance a arms are not as common as regular extended arms...

If they were cleaned up with no damage, and good ball joints I'd guess several hundred minimum. If they were PC'd, and a good brand they would go for even more.

Again its hard to put a price on something I have very little information on so take my words as guidanc eonly, and not a stone fact.
ohh if i get it you want the engine? thats fine aslong as one of my friends who may want it dosent, you can come pick it up lol
215-new plastics with sweet graphics
100-new caliper
90- 2 new front tyres and rims/or 45 for just 1 rim
65-rear tyres

all these are shipped prices


im happy with that what ye think? lol
Sounds to me like you made your mind up before posting. Let us know if you buy it and how she goes. I looked at prices near me for yfz's and for 3 grand you can get a ready to ride nice quad. Good luck.
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if theres nothing else rong with it other then i said i will most likely take it ! and if it drives right ! thanks man rep for you! i should be going to look at it sunday!
Seriously doubt you will build one cheaper than 2300. A blaster cost way more than that to build half decent. If it were me i would dive on the cheaper of the 2. In my opinion it will save you in the long run by far.
the only way of getting the the €2000 is if i do this deal ! i would really get that white and red one if i had the money! is it just me or do 450s need to be rebuilt bery often?
i thought u said it has a hmf pipe? its def the stocker on there. having owned 4-strokes, i suggest if you get it to re-do the valves instantly before even riding it, prepare for headaches. a good rule of thumb thats kept me from going broke is if you are going to buy a high performance 4-stroke buy it new (since they are extremely expensive to rebuild and people never do proper head maintenance on them) 2strokes buy used since they never retain value and rebuilds are uber cheap.