suggestion for the people who run this joint


Oct 12, 2008
So I have been a member here for awhile and get help with everything I ask, and having been here for so long I have noticed that nobody likes to answer jetting questions. Well thats fair enough but sometimes guys just want a starting point, I just joined up over at everything2stroke and was cruising around and found out they have a jetting section on their forum. How hard would it be for you guys to make a section like that where everybody who has aftermarket stuff posts up what they have for jetting so that when somebody needs a starting point they can look at someone else who has similar mods. Just a thought ive had for awhile now and figured I'd share it .
thats a pretty good idea. if we did that and had a FAQ section, 90% of the questions would be answered
great idea! i no ive asked a few jetting ???'s not to many answers, someone start a thread even and stickky it, same style as the pipe review thread..
i think part of the reason no one answer jetting questions is because every bike , location, setup, is differant

i come from a automotive background before atvs, i think test n tune is part of the fun of it, so if everyone just 'magicly' knew what jets to run that would be no fun...

and here is all the answers to your jetting, both bigger carbs and stock
im looking to break in my blasty next weekend this would be a great help so i can figure out a good starting point do a plug chop and fine tune if needed
im not saying to have it for people to be lazy and just use the same jet as someone else, im simply trying to give people a starting point. As long as everyone has their location in their sig it should go smoothly.
im not saying to have it for people to be lazy and just use the same jet as someone else, im simply trying to give people a starting point. As long as everyone has their location in their sig it should go smoothly.

yeh exactly thats all id use it for, to safely break it in and then a chop to check. i went from stock to alot of mods and switch to keihin so im lost! lol
Yeah just put like your engine mods i.e. what brand of pipe your running intake setup portwork etc.... and your elevation.

Sorry bros but shaved fenders a uni sticker and flipped rims arent a mod.
freek I agree with you about the guides on here, they are helpful for the members that already have a clue, but my suggestion is for those who arent sure where to even start out. I just saw the section for jetting on e2s and thought it was a good idea. sure its not gonna be a definate what jets to run but it'll at least get people close, that way you dont have to go out and buy a bunch of different jets and rip it all apart 3-4 times before you get jetted close enough to fine tune it. i've had a bad experience where i went to get jets from the dealership and two of three that i bought were 1.50ish apiece and the third one was over 10 bucks. at the time there wasnt any other place to go except order online. And I didnt even need that one, but you cant return something like that.