Some of my Old Photoshop Work.


Sep 4, 2009
Looking through my photobucket... I found some cool stuff. If any say PunK on it... that used to be my most common name on forums and stuff.

Old Signature:

Wallpaper I made:

Logo for a local band:

Signature for my "Paranormal" Name:


Signature Again:

Old Banner for a Site:

Another Web Banner:

Signature from my Final Fantasy phase:
nice work heres some of my stuff, got rid of photoshop now but wish i didnt:(






ive got a lot more stuff,nicer stuff but i cant seem to find it anymore
If you want to download photoshop for free go to this link...

Download PhotoshopCS4Portable.rar

unzip it with winrar...or some sort of unziping software...and a folder will popup called "Copy of photoshop.." and open it and if your vista right click the "PhotoshopPortable" file and "Run as administrator" and for XP just double click it. its not a virus i got it, works great

alright man thanks downloading it see how it works
I know what I am getting just don't know how I want it done. I'm going to be getting frank the bunny on my inner arm. Not really looking for a portrait but i'm not looking for a cartoon either.
I know what I am getting just don't know how I want it done. I'm going to be getting frank the bunny on my inner arm. Not really looking for a portrait but i'm not looking for a cartoon either.

Oh cool. If you need me to edit anything I can do that, just PM me or something and include the picture. I:I
If you want to download photoshop for free go to this link...

Download PhotoshopCS4Portable.rar

unzip it with winrar...or some sort of unziping software...and a folder will popup called "Copy of photoshop.." and open it and if your vista right click the "PhotoshopPortable" file and "Run as administrator" and for XP just double click it. its not a virus i got it, works great

it didnt work?.....................
it didnt work?.....................

Portable Programs run purely off of RAM, and Adobe programs, such as Photoshop, are already demanding in the RAM area... so you need a lot of RAM to run that correctly. Probably 1.5 - 2 GB. I could be way off... someone correct me if I am wrong. I've only used a few, small, portable things.
Portable Programs run purely off of RAM, and Adobe programs, such as Photoshop, are already demanding in the RAM area... so you need a lot of RAM to run that correctly. Probably 1.5 - 2 GB. I could be way off... someone correct me if I am wrong. I've only used a few, small, portable things.

nah wat i was telling is that i found it but it wont unzip or watever

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