so my pc died :(


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
Yep I just turned on my pc that's 8 years old an the HD started to may a really loud tick like a bomb was about ready to go off an then the funny part something went pop. So I took aprt the case an the mother board had like 4 compasetors they blew up. :( so now the only acses I have is by my blackberry
yea atleast u got ur phone, even no blackberrys take a long time to load web sites....well some dads, my mom, and sister have blackburrys.....
Yea so I have some vids I gotta up load of what we did to my pc after this happend it will remind ya of the movie office space lol. ill have to barrow my friends laptop to up load it. Bythe way my tail bone is much better now. I have a vid of what I did to hurt my tailbone too lol. She be uploaded tonight after I get off work.
Yea so I have some vids I gotta up load of what we did to my pc after this happend it will remind ya of the movie office space lol. ill have to barrow my friends laptop to up load it. Bythe way my tail bone is much better now. I have a vid of what I did to hurt my tailbone too lol. She be uploaded tonight after I get off work.

well i dont really want to no about ur personal life but tell ur partner to go easier if he hurts u......gross
Yea I know right lmao. But yea I got really drunk an I wanted to ride my creeper down the stairs an out the door. Well my friend said that might be a bad idea so insted I road a sled down the stairs an well I landed on the edge of a concrete step when I went out the door an all I could do is lay there. Knocked the wind out of me an everything. Lol. Everyone will get a good laugh out of it
ahahah i would have dieed laughing, but thats noting, i didnt the same thing but with a booggie board(beach board) watever u wanna call it, im moomy yelled at me..:..( ahaha jk
U know. I had all my pics an movies an all my school work an about 20 gig of music. I took the HD out an hooked it on to another pc to save it all but nope HD was junk to. :( go figure just my luck.

I'm lookin at a new pc but can't afford one right now I'm gonna talk to a few of my friends that might have a used one sittn around. Hopfuly they can dig somwthing up
U know. I had all my pics an movies an all my school work an about 20 gig of music. I took the HD out an hooked it on to another pc to save it all but nope HD was junk to. :( go figure just my luck.

I'm lookin at a new pc but can't afford one right now I'm gonna talk to a few of my friends that might have a used one sittn around. Hopfuly they can dig somwthing up
ahhh man that blows a big one :(
man, what a bummer, also, nice drunk idea, worst thing is i do things like that without alchohol, i guess i'm a teen and i think i'm invincible eh?
U know. I had all my pics an movies an all my school work an about 20 gig of music. I took the HD out an hooked it on to another pc to save it all but nope HD was junk to. :( go figure just my luck.

I'm lookin at a new pc but can't afford one right now I'm gonna talk to a few of my friends that might have a used one sittn around. Hopfuly they can dig somwthing up

Not sure how well this would work but: Beginners Guides: Hard Drive Data Recovery -

Also, I know geeksquad can recover your data but I'm sure that's a good fee.