SMS Garage Sale!

sry couldnt read all 35 pages any pipes for sale my good friend??? also need sum vforce reeds and a 35mm carb andddddd possibly the plus 4 bottom end if still available thanks boiiiii
sry couldnt read all 35 pages any pipes for sale my good friend??? also need sum vforce reeds and a 35mm carb andddddd possibly the plus 4 bottom end if still available thanks boiiiii

No pipes!
v FORCE $75
35MM AIRSTRIKER $150 if i still have it?
Yes the bottom is still available $350

All plus shipping!
damn thas cheap for a airstryker.
same with the v force
bump for a good deal

Thanks specialized, but how about the bottom end price. It comes with a good Barnett clutch, that and the crank alone are worth $350 new. It's like you get the machine work, cases and trany for free.