SMS Garage Sale!

sry couldnt read all 35 pages any pipes for sale my good friend??? also need sum vforce reeds and a 35mm carb andddddd possibly the plus 4 bottom end if still available thanks boiiiii
sry couldnt read all 35 pages any pipes for sale my good friend??? also need sum vforce reeds and a 35mm carb andddddd possibly the plus 4 bottom end if still available thanks boiiiii

No pipes!
v FORCE $75
35MM AIRSTRIKER $150 if i still have it?
Yes the bottom is still available $350

All plus shipping!
damn thas cheap for a airstryker.
same with the v force
bump for a good deal

Thanks specialized, but how about the bottom end price. It comes with a good Barnett clutch, that and the crank alone are worth $350 new. It's like you get the machine work, cases and trany for free.
Thread dig pm sent on plastics and bottom end and steering stabilizer

speedy my man, this is from over 2 years ago, highly unlikely any of these items are left, if you even get a reply back