SMS Garage Sale!

DG Nerf Bars Blue Webbing, with custom Roll Design pedals, and custom heel guards $175 for all or $35 for the heel guards, $75 for the Pegs, and $75 for the nerfs alone.

can you do better than 175? and ill take those fenders and that tank cover depending on the condition on those stickers

So are you saying you want the complete plastics set, and the nerfs? If so I could do $275 free shipping. The stickers are decent, but if it was me I would strip them, and refinish the plastic for a nice new look.

Also I have no pipes for sale at this time.
i really just want the front 2 fenders and i re red the post and i want the nerfs with the custompart. 100 shipped?

Yeah I could do $100+shipping for the nerfs w/ the heel guards. I don't want to part out the plastics just yet. Trying to sell it as a set.

tjsdaname, got your payment, swinger is going out Monday!
Shawn was sick when I went over on wednesday. So I didn't get any time to talk to him or look for stuff. Sunday I will definitely take care of your requests. I am pretty sure he has some 35mm air strykers.
well in his post it says 75 for just the nerfs

Yes it is $75 just for the nerfs. They are like like $150 new for those. So it's a 50% discount over buying new.

The pegs are $75, or $200 new, and have to be custom welded to the mounts. The work is all done on these, just bolt them on. I am offering a low price on these, just because it is a specialty item, most won't need, but if you rode them you would want them.

The heel guards were custom made, and not available anywhere. So $35 seems fair.

Your best bet would be to just buy the whole set for what I offered it at $175, also note these are 03-06 pegs so they will work with hydro brakes only. If I didn't go the direction I went I would buy these myself, but there is no turning back for me I already welded stuff to my frame. I would say this setup would be just as good as what I did, but could be bolted on, instead of welding, like my setup requires. I am not doing any less on these parts at this time. If they don't sell in a month or so, then I will drop the prices. I am confident they will be gone long before that.

Also to all the Canadians, wanting stuff. I am sorry, but I am not shipping to Canada at this point in time. Sorry guys, but if you have friends with US addys, I will ship there for you. I just don't have the time to mess around with all the extra bs for export. Sorry.


Pegs sold to this guy. Thanks man!!!


Yes the Nerfs should fit no problem. The heel guards might need tweaked a bit to fit, but should work out. The Roll pegs are thicker so I am sure it won't be a direct fit. might have to shim or maybe even just bend the metal a little. The nerfs it is a non issue because it just clamps to the frame tube. It's no big deal if it needs to move, 1/2" forward.