well in his post it says 75 for just the nerfs
Yes it is $75 just for the nerfs. They are like like $150 new for those. So it's a 50% discount over buying new.
The pegs are $75, or $200 new, and have to be custom welded to the mounts. The work is all done on these, just bolt them on. I am offering a low price on these, just because it is a specialty item, most won't need, but if you rode them you would want them.
The heel guards were custom made, and not available anywhere. So $35 seems fair.
Your best bet would be to just buy the whole set for what I offered it at $175, also note these are 03-06 pegs so they will work with hydro brakes only. If I didn't go the direction I went I would buy these myself, but there is no turning back for me I already welded stuff to my frame. I would say this setup would be just as good as what I did, but could be bolted on, instead of welding, like my setup requires. I am not doing any less on these parts at this time. If they don't sell in a month or so, then I will drop the prices. I am confident they will be gone long before that.
Also to all the Canadians, wanting stuff. I am sorry, but I am not shipping to Canada at this point in time. Sorry guys, but if you have friends with US addys, I will ship there for you. I just don't have the time to mess around with all the extra bs for export. Sorry.