smoking blaster


New Member
Sep 30, 2009
my 98 blaster has a 3mm hot shot crank it started smoking last time we road it poring out white smoke not all the time it did it like 3 times though out the day but ran fine just smoke so we took it out again yesterday oil is coming out the pipe where it mounts to the head and runs like sh*t at mid to top end but it idels fine realy it has never idel this good but still smoking i pulled the plug it was dry and looked fine nice light lien looking i mix 32 to 1 caster 927 93 oct is this a crank seal problem i posted here before and you guys helped me
Are you sure your not over filling it.That what it sounds like.You have a little window on the right side of the motor at the bottom.You fillit 1/2 to 3/4 way up the window.
yes i know the window it is not geting over filled700cc yamalube do you have to split the case to change the seal
yes i know the window it is not geting over filled700cc yamalube do you have to split the case to change the seal

No you dont have to split the cases to change it. You have to take the clutch cover off, the complete clutch basket and then the main drive gear it is behind that.

Do you have a srevice manual?
It's really easy to change that seal, I had to change mine about 2 wks ago. If you haven't taken your clutch cover off before, I would recommend getting the gasket and some Yamabond gasket sealer because the gasket will want to tear on you. The seal you have to change has a keeper in front of part of it, and it's a biotch to get the one screw off that is holding it. You don't have to take that off if you don't want to. I didn't. Good luck with it.