Should Sheeblast be Temporarily Banned

Should Sheeblast get a Temporary Suspenion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 26 66.7%

  • Total voters
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there is seven people i have pissed off (i voted yes lol)
but i know blastard is butt hurt over me telling him that his banshee will not ride good. and i know blasterboy794 hates me. not sure who the other 5 are, if i read this thread, i am sure i can guess.
maybe awk and demon.

Sure do. I didnt vote yet...
Originally Posted by sheeblast
if i read this thread, i am sure i can guess.
maybe awk and demon.

/\/\/\ nope, not awk, i voted stay, even though you do fuk with people unprovoked, and are generally an azzhole at least once in every thread, except ones you get to talk your banshee or zilla knowledge
but have never fuk'd with me personally,
and do you really need to repeat yourself with ,f**k after every young one that doesnt get what you said the first time, should every thread end when you throw in your 2 cents, i dont think so, sometimes even hearing the wrong, or different than your opinion, is educational, let eveyone say their piece, and let the bro who started the thread sort thru and make his own decision
so my advice, which i'm sure you'll disregard is....
just state your facts, once, if they dont heed them, knowledgeable as it is, so be it, and ease up with the smartass sh*t and bashing, surely you're more mature than you've been showing on here
just read the previous page, and see this is the kinda unneeded sh*t i'm talkin about \/\/\/\/\/

my dick itches, you wanna scratch it for me?

/\/\/\ the answer is no, but your nose looks a little crooked,
can i straighten that for ya ????
just read the previous page, and see this is the kinda unneeded sh*t i'm talkin about \/\/\/\/\/

/\/\/\ the answer is no, but your nose looks a little crooked,
can i straighten that for ya ????

you can try if you want, but doubt you will do it.
his brother motoman used to be a dick when he first came here but now he is really chill person and is decent to talk to, and i have noticed shee is turning out the same way, started being a dick and then has slowly mellowed out

hes cool with me
Why ban him he hasn't actually done anything wrong he is just giving his opinion which is probably more correct than these people that don't actually know anything because they don't work on their stuff they just get on here to fight with people that actually have experience. People get too upset because people make mean comments to them they need to get over it or go cry to mommy and stay off the computer.
here you go, use this f**cking picture

LMAO... Hell no sheeblast shouldnt be banned.. he is hilarious.. I dont personally like the ahole.. j/k ... he is always helpful and he obviously knows his stuff and his posts are funny, unless your a sensitive little puss. Grow up.....
all this thread is doing is building an ego and fullfilling an attention defecit disorder

shee u already know u on thin ice here with ur foul language comments!

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