Hey guys I'm new to this and i was wondering if I should go through with this trade. I have a 2009 Yamaha raptor 90 that I grew out of and I put.it on craigslist and this guy wants to even trade for a 2003 Yamaha blaster, The bike is a 2003 Yamaha blaster. Has a scarface decal set, the motor is fresh and was rebuilt at the beginning of this year. It has about 4-5 tanks of fuel thru it . Has a 35 mm carb, rack g air box with new air filter. Has lrd exhaust. Bike is in good shape but has been ridden so has the usual trail scars. But overall it's in good shape. I spent 1200 on it when I bought the trenga cylinder kit. It is also known as the sonic CT kit.NEED HELP! ASAP! I WAS ALMOST SURE THAT I WANTED IT BIT NOW I HAVE SECOND GUESSES! IS THIS A GOOD DEAL I NEED A QUICK REPLY TRADE WILL GO THROUGH IN A FEW.DAYS..