Shifting Problems


New Member
Jul 24, 2008
Chillicothe IL
Ive never had problems with it b4 i rebuilt it but when i shift up of down sometimes it doesnt go into gear and the shifter gets stuck half way up and when it falls down it will let me shift up.... Any suggestions would help out alot.... Remember never had problems im thinkin something is out of adjustment and thats what im hoping....

dude, sounds to me like your detent isn't installed properly.
if you didn't tighten the mounting bolt, it could explain why the star won't go into position....
have you ran her through all the gears? you're sure that she WILL go into all the gears at speed?
i doubt it's the shift forks. sometimes shift forks get bent real bad from slamming through the gears, but the #1 symptom is the tranny will come out of gear in motion, which it doesn't sound like is your prob.
also, it's possible that you just have your shift lever set too low. the shift lever needs to be able to return to it's rest position between every shift before it'll let you shift again. i've run into this prob on my street bike a lot when i buy a new pair of boots they'll have a lot more sole material than my old ones which are all raggedy. so i won't be able to fit the boot under the shifter as easily and it'll interfere w/ the shifter's return action.
does she shift through all the gears if you use your hand instead of your foot (like w/ the ass end jacked up).
well thanks for the tips guys but i think i got it figured out the rod that the clutch cable goes to on the left side of the case was sitting up really high so i pushed it down and i hope it fixed it if not im just goin to order a new shift shaft since they bend really easy.....
no, the shift forks are inside the case. they move the cogs back and forth on the input shaft and the countershaft.
i suppose if you've got em out of the case, you could tell if they're bent by sight....
Thanks for the reply, I had them out a few time and I have 2 different sets. they appear to be straight if you look at them from any angle so I would assume they are good. I ordered anew shift shaft because the "detent grabber" seems to be weak and does not ratchet back. Any tips on installing the shift cam when reinstalling after breaking the case open. Is there any alignment "gotcha's". I know about the 2 clutch side gears and aligning the dots on the clutch basket.

Chuck ATL,GA
Thanks for the reply, I had them out a few time and I have 2 different sets. they appear to be straight if you look at them from any angle so I would assume they are good. I ordered a new shift shaft because the "detent grabber" seems to be weak and does not ratchet back. Any tips on installing the shift cam when reinstalling after breaking the case open. Is there any alignment "gotcha's". I know about the 2 clutch side gears and aligning the dots on the clutch basket.

Chuck ATL,GA