School Essay your opinion can HELP!


New Member
Mar 19, 2009
I have to write a school report on comparing Quads and dirtbikes and which one is better i know obviously the quads are definitly better but any ideas saying why like dangers and like camparisons will help THANKS!
Ive just did a disscursive essay like that. mention facts about helmets on them and the like and mention how quads are only as dangerous as you make them as the mostly only roll when you dont lean etc. and say how on a quad wheelies are safer to control and turning also
And I'm sure that a dirtbike rolling over on someone is a little less dangerous that a quad.

Quads tend to be more stable since they have 2 more wheels and generally have a lower center of gravity. The thumb throttle control isn't as easily blipped or hit like a grip throttle on a dirt bike.

These are just observations from a guy who's new to the whole atv scene. I could be wrong.
nahh thats all correct oh and also if someone rams into the side of you on a quad you have a chance unlike the guy a seen on a dirt bike gettn ran into..ouch his bone was out his leg..but lets not go into that lol
Man, first of all dirtbikes are better than quads. Dirtbikes are faster than quads. People have more confidence on a dirtbike. If your about to fall it's usually easier to ditch a dirtbike. You can also do more tricks on a dirtbike.
I mean I dont hate quads. I love rideing them but when it comes down to it, I feal more confident on a dirtbike and I can hit bigger jumps on a dirtbike. Pluse, you know those few seconds before your about to crash and you know your about to be screwed, yeah I'd rather be on a dirtbike.
blasterguy.....he is not talking about the more tricks u can do on a dirtbike compared to a quad he is talkin about stuff like safty...stability...control..stuff like that
Man, first of all dirtbikes are better than quads. Dirtbikes are faster than quads. People have more confidence on a dirtbike. If your about to fall it's usually easier to ditch a dirtbike. You can also do more tricks on a dirtbike.
I mean I dont hate quads. I love rideing them but when it comes down to it, I feal more confident on a dirtbike and I can hit bigger jumps on a dirtbike. Pluse, you know those few seconds before your about to crash and you know your about to be screwed, yeah I'd rather be on a dirtbike.

same here..... dirt bikes ftw! Quads are fun but dirt bikes are were its at. Dirt bikes are safer, lighter, faster. On a dirt dike you tip it over, on a quad you get thrown off and rolled over. And do not say a dirt bike isn't stable, you have to balance..... no big deal
Well I can say I've personally fell off my yz125 probley about a good 20-30 times and never got more than a pulled mussle or a bruse and I've only fallen off an atv once broke my arm and I had to get rushed to the emergency room. I had to go through 2 surgerys, I lost %50 of my bicep and %25 of my tricp mussle while also crushing my radial nerve that alowes me to move my fingers on my right hand. That accident happend about 4 months ago and I still cant ride, instead I get to go to theropy every day and just 2 weeks ago I started to get my hand back. Now it sucks because my bikes are collecting dust and I'm wateing to to heal and get back rideing again.
put at the end. but if your like most non quadbike or motorbike minded people this was a bunch of jiberish so i wasted my time writing and you wasted time readng it lol, then ull see the a+
Well I can say I've personally fell off my yz125 probley about a good 20-30 times and never got more than a pulled mussle or a bruse and I've only fallen off an atv once broke my arm and I had to get rushed to the emergency room. I had to go through 2 surgerys, I lost %50 of my bicep and %25 of my tricp mussle while also crushing my radial nerve that alowes me to move my fingers on my right hand. That accident happend about 4 months ago and I still cant ride, instead I get to go to theropy every day and just 2 weeks ago I started to get my hand back. Now it sucks because my bikes are collecting dust and I'm wateing to to heal and get back rideing again.

sorry to hear that.

I guess its down to your luck when you ride quad or bike as my experience of dirtbikes is worse than yours and my experience of quad bike is much happier than yours

hope you recover soon bud :)
haha dang this did better than i thought thanks for the replies! and definitly keep them coming and sorry to hear about your accident!