Sapient's Shee :)


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
I posted this add on craigslist for sh*ts and giggles, and my friend saw it. He has a friend that has a shee that needs a top end rebuild, and had someone coming to buy it TODAY for 400... I told him I'de buy it for 450.00 cash tonight... Soo... I:I

I figured for $450.00, an 03 Banshee with extended swinger, shaved head, new clutch and a few more extras was a good deal!

Can't wait to rip into it... I'll have pics and details up later :)
we are talking $450 plus your blasty right? or just straight up $450? sounds like you're gonna have a blast either way I:I I:I
ncie score...

btw sapiant.. do you have a vid of your blaster with the fmf pipeand dg silencer???... my buddys atc 250r sounds sweet with the dg silencer, and iv herd the blasters with full dg poipe.. but i wanna hear one with a fmf and a dg
@ Ale - As in keeping my blaster, AND buying the shee....

@ FED - Yeah, I have a video of me taking it around the block when I first got it, it wasn't running very good, and the pipe wasn't tightened to the head very tight, but its a video none the less... I'll take a sound clip of it later if you want. But here's that video.
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03 Yamaha Blaster

Full FMF Gold exhaust
V-Force reeds
+10 Timing Key
GSXR clutch
+6? Swingarm
K&N Air Filter
ITP Holeshots






I'm Super stoked... Can't wait to get this thing running...
Thanks Guys!

Damn, that's about 4 hours away. I few of my friends make trips up to Fort Polk every now and then, but I don't know of many places to ride out here unless you know people with land.
Thanks Guys!

Damn, that's about 4 hours away. I few of my friends make trips up to Fort Polk every now and then, but I don't know of many places to ride out here unless you know people with land.

ahhh crappy ol Fort i used to live on the base for a while when my bro was over seas...but back on topic,nice score bro 450$ isnt bad,jusr needs a super sweet cleaning and a fresh rebuild. I:I