Race Cut Your Plastics


New Member
Oct 4, 2011
Red Lion'PA
So i have seen a few people asking how to cut your plastics and what to use so i figured i would throw up a DIY since i already made a video before this here is a list of what you will need.

1= Safety Glasses/Long Shirt HOT PLASTIC ON SKIN HURTS!
2= Grinder
3= Sand Paper i used 120 worked fine

First step is to mark where you want to cut
Second step set up your work area
Third step start cutting away where you marked take your time
Fourth step when you get done cutting go over it with some sand paper and trim it up with the grinder here is a short video of what i did to my plastics and final results are in my SIG i did the front and cut a little off the back.I hope this helps some people who are skeptical of DIY

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Is that a grinding 1/4" wheel you are using?

In Aussie we are able to get 1/16" cutting disks, which cut through plastics like butter.

Are you able to get the reinforced cutting disks in US?
I like your 'stache! lol Good video. A thinner disk would have went through them like nothing though. Check out your local hardware store. Here's some rep for the video!
so....where and what kind of racing do you do ?????
Narrow cutting discs seem to be best as they dont throw so much hot plastic around.

Its not so much cutting as melting and the finer disk leaves the melted edge smoother.
So what i hear is that, when in the process of thinking of what style you want your plastics to be, you dont have to worry about finding a special Blade for the job. That makes it simple for me to learn about the blaster. I am only 12 years old and im learner more and more, thanks to Blaster Fourm Guys