Q10's Racing

yes it will be. and you will have to work fast and profitienly(sp*) to ready to race by sunday! Hope ya geterdone! good luck man
That's ok, you'll be able to put everything together this weekend and go ahead and get your heat cycles. Figure out the next time the track is open for anything at all and go do your jetting and break-in. You'll definitely be ready for the 25th and 26th then!
That's ok, you'll be able to put everything together this weekend and go ahead and get your heat cycles. Figure out the next time the track is open for anything at all and go do your jetting and break-in. You'll definitely be ready for the 25th and 26th then!

yupp thats wht i was thinking!

Sweet work SCD, and goodluck Q10, hope you get it all ready and race!

agreed! and thanks man!
Where you race do you get into 6th gear full on revs.

May lad uses a 13/40 on 18" Kendas, and finds that combo adequate for all but the faster tracks,
Lol. I got my parts in the mail at like 11:00am Friday, and worked straight till 2:am Saturday. And Saturday at 7:00pm worked till 11:00pm. Haha got the entire motor together and the plastics and everything together tho so it was worth it :)

Yeah man, when I put my 04 together I worked From 11AM to 1PM from all parts to running blaster, then when I blew my seals same thing 1PM till 8pm lol
Once you start you can't stop!
Nice, I sold my old pro circuit head pipe and front tires so that funds the rest of my build !:)

nice! I:I

Yeah man, when I put my 04 together I worked From 11AM to 1PM from all parts to running blaster, then when I blew my seals same thing 1PM till 8pm lol
Once you start you can't stop!

ouch lol. it was like 97 degrees out too, but i dident want to turn on the fan, cause i dident want dirt ad dust flying around. i was dripping sweat like a siv lol