i have a 2003 blaster and i got the oil injector block off.. it worked great for a couple rides but latly its been funny. the intake sounds louder than the engine. i check the plug air and fuel its all correct several times 2 dif premix attempts 32:1 like the kit said.. so then maybe it was spark so i tried 2 brand new spark plugs.. same thing... tried the air its all open and sucking in..
im out of ideas
should i mix 40:1 50:1 32:1???
i am using the honda racing premix oil 32:1 ratio like the kit and the bottle say!
should i mix my old oil injector fluid with gas? i beleive it will burn cleaner because iv never had a problem with the oil resevuars kind of oil. then my brother said i should get the oil block off so it blows up less (like the satisfaction of knowing the right amount of oils in the gas)
i beleive the jet in the carb is at .240 becuase we got a pipe on it and im almost positive te previous owner set it to 240.. maybe the oil is slowing the gas from passing the jet?
it runs but has one big pop every second and you can hear the intake really loud and thing only moves if i slowly release the clutch and lean allll the way forward so it has less stress on the wheels.. then whil it runs it doesnt go above 3mph in any gear like it will accel like BRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP THEN IT will lose alot of power and go POP-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop so i let off the throttle and once again it will go BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP- POP POP pop pop pop pop
ughhhh OHH i beleive the mixture is to rich because when i took the plugs off there was a carbon deposite
so i dumped 1/3 more of a gallon in and mixed it same thing even though more gas was put in!! iv been working on it for weeeekss so i have no choice but to post..
regular gas - HP2 honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 32:1 like it says on the bottle -- no luck
regular gas - honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 40:1 no luck
should i try running it with the GN2 genuine 2stroke injector/premix oil i used to use in the oil resevuar??
should i run it at 32:1 40:1 50:1??
oh i also put >1oz of carb cleaner in the mixes up top^^ is that the culpret??
i put as many details and everything i know and tried i just want some help if you know what the problem is.. thanks for reading.
im out of ideas
should i mix 40:1 50:1 32:1???
i am using the honda racing premix oil 32:1 ratio like the kit and the bottle say!
should i mix my old oil injector fluid with gas? i beleive it will burn cleaner because iv never had a problem with the oil resevuars kind of oil. then my brother said i should get the oil block off so it blows up less (like the satisfaction of knowing the right amount of oils in the gas)
i beleive the jet in the carb is at .240 becuase we got a pipe on it and im almost positive te previous owner set it to 240.. maybe the oil is slowing the gas from passing the jet?
it runs but has one big pop every second and you can hear the intake really loud and thing only moves if i slowly release the clutch and lean allll the way forward so it has less stress on the wheels.. then whil it runs it doesnt go above 3mph in any gear like it will accel like BRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP THEN IT will lose alot of power and go POP-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop so i let off the throttle and once again it will go BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP- POP POP pop pop pop pop
ughhhh OHH i beleive the mixture is to rich because when i took the plugs off there was a carbon deposite
so i dumped 1/3 more of a gallon in and mixed it same thing even though more gas was put in!! iv been working on it for weeeekss so i have no choice but to post..
regular gas - HP2 honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 32:1 like it says on the bottle -- no luck
regular gas - honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 40:1 no luck
should i try running it with the GN2 genuine 2stroke injector/premix oil i used to use in the oil resevuar??
should i run it at 32:1 40:1 50:1??
oh i also put >1oz of carb cleaner in the mixes up top^^ is that the culpret??
i put as many details and everything i know and tried i just want some help if you know what the problem is.. thanks for reading.