Premix Problems!


Sep 2, 2007
montgomery NY
i have a 2003 blaster and i got the oil injector block off.. it worked great for a couple rides but latly its been funny. the intake sounds louder than the engine. i check the plug air and fuel its all correct several times 2 dif premix attempts 32:1 like the kit said.. so then maybe it was spark so i tried 2 brand new spark plugs.. same thing... tried the air its all open and sucking in..

im out of ideas

should i mix 40:1 50:1 32:1???
i am using the honda racing premix oil 32:1 ratio like the kit and the bottle say!
should i mix my old oil injector fluid with gas? i beleive it will burn cleaner because iv never had a problem with the oil resevuars kind of oil. then my brother said i should get the oil block off so it blows up less (like the satisfaction of knowing the right amount of oils in the gas)

i beleive the jet in the carb is at .240 becuase we got a pipe on it and im almost positive te previous owner set it to 240.. maybe the oil is slowing the gas from passing the jet?

it runs but has one big pop every second and you can hear the intake really loud and thing only moves if i slowly release the clutch and lean allll the way forward so it has less stress on the wheels.. then whil it runs it doesnt go above 3mph in any gear like it will accel like BRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP THEN IT will lose alot of power and go POP-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop so i let off the throttle and once again it will go BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP- POP POP pop pop pop pop

ughhhh OHH i beleive the mixture is to rich because when i took the plugs off there was a carbon deposite

so i dumped 1/3 more of a gallon in and mixed it same thing even though more gas was put in!! iv been working on it for weeeekss so i have no choice but to post..

regular gas - HP2 honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 32:1 like it says on the bottle -- no luck
regular gas - honda hi performance 2stroke synthetic racing oil at 40:1 no luck

should i try running it with the GN2 genuine 2stroke injector/premix oil i used to use in the oil resevuar??

should i run it at 32:1 40:1 50:1??

oh i also put >1oz of carb cleaner in the mixes up top^^ is that the culpret??


i put as many details and everything i know and tried i just want some help if you know what the problem is.. thanks for reading.:(
umm doesn't sound like a mixture problem at all and 240 jet is probally close. as far as popping and loud intake. is the intake boot on the carb properly? check that and the air box lid they will cause the intake to sound loud. as for moving if it is sputtering when you give it throtle when it is in neutral. if so check tors. easy way is to unplug the black and white wire from the cdi then see if it runs fine if it does it is tors. if not if you hear a loud noise and don't move it could be a clutch problem. so i would reccomend this. make sure you have all good mixed gas in there 32:1 is good to start depending on oil it is a safe mix. then check that you have a good spark. if it is neither of those you have other problems. also did you make sure to cap of the port on the carb where the oil injection line comes in make sure that is still on sometimes they come off and mess with things.
idk i just made sure everything is tight kicked it idled it for 15 mins it sounded bad still so i gave it full throttle on and off realy fast and the piston is in peices i can hear it grooving my cylander... good bye blaster
were u out of tranny fluid??? becuz maybe when u installed the block off the trans fluid poured out which u thought was oil
well now what do i do BUY a new engine??

if i have grooves in my jug (wich from what i hear i do) il just end up buying that ct kit with the crab reed valve jug head pipes... and then get a liquid cooled head and then if it still doesnt work part it out
idk i think the "premix problem" up top was a carborator problem and by jacking up the ratio it blew.. so due to that it prolly means its the crarb and if im getting a new carb and cylander its gunna b one i really want cuz after that sh*t im sick of haggard stock sh*t
idk what do u think i should do i mean i have to pay for it all myself as always and i doubt my parents wil spot me any money cuz im getting kicked out of my school (i was told today) theyl call my parents sometime soon sooo what a sh*t day huh? blaster blew up failed all my classes this quarter am getting put in night school and i have no job
so if u blew it up u may have been sucking air esp. cuz u said that u heard loud intake noises. i'd just rip the jug off and see if u have visable damage. if not it is a bottom end issue . also if u just take the whole cylider off all u need is a base gasket. leave all else on until you figure out the problem
head gasket was blown so i had a loss of compression and there are slight grooves in the cylander.. i think since there was space for feul to escape in the gasket the intake was trying to compensate for the lost feul due to the blown head gasket... the pistons pretty much perfect im sorry i took it apart but w e i think my dads gunna buy me a 240 kit tho instead of a stock cylander now I:I
I would just like to throw in my two cents. first off the Tranny oil is seperate from the piston. You put oil in your gas to lubricate your piston and that is the only oil your piston requires on a 2 stroke. I had the same problem all i reide is 2 strokes so i blow them up here and there. usually the wall is just scratched a bit so you have to bore it out i believe you can go six times over with a stock blaster. You will need a new piston, piston rings, clips, wrist pin and wrist pin bearings(these come together in a kit usually) than you also need a top end gasket kit. bring your top end to a machine shop with your new piston and rings so they can measure it up good. It should only cost you around 50 bucks to have it bored out. Rebuild engine and make sure you run a good mix either 32:1 or 40:1. It was probably just time for you to rebuild your engine. I pay close attention to the sound changes of my engine. Once it starts making a certain pitch i know my engine is about to blow so i pull it apart and check everything. usually i only have to get the piston stuff because i catch it before it messes up my walls. This all should cost you less than $200. Good Luck!!
wait i thought small 2 stroke engines used the oil in the gas.

I thought that place for fluid in the engine was for oil
no the tranny fluid also lubricates the piston

Anyone correct me if im wrong but the tranny oil does not lubricate the piston thats what the oil is mixed with the gas for. the tranny oil lubricates the crankshaft bearings an all internals....then there is the seal on the crank which allows no oil to pass into where the center of the crankshaft an connecting rod is.