polaris trail blazer

Not to sound like a ahole but have any of you ever rode a trail blazer and if you have no information from actually riding them stfu. Don't go off of what you heard or just from looking at it and saying oh thats junk. The guy that actually informed with with some good information(sorry can't remember your name) is getting rep points from him actually have experience. .
For even considering, for even thinking bout a piece of sh*t polaris and even worse for considering trading a blaster and GIVING money for one i now hate you. I never thought i would hate somebody over the internet but you have achieved it.
Polaris is not sh*t my dad has had one sice 2000 and it has went hell and back. Its been flooded, went through so much mud it would make you sick, jumped like 10 feet in the air, has well over 1500 miles on it with the first motor, its has been worked to the max, rode hard. The thing that makes some people polaris sh*t is that don't know how to f*cking change oil or grease it, its not that hard to clean and do normal maintance on it.X(X(X(
you on a polaris bahahahahaha --------->
seriously just take a look at that thing,does it look quality built like our good old Yamaha and Honda's(yes i said Honda).
nothing wrong with getting a trailblazer/ trailboss. My family has had a couple different ones and they get the job done. My brother has had a '96 trailboss for the last 8 years and all he's had to do to it was regular maintenance and replaced the battery last year.
if a trail blazer/boss is what you want it will do it...
the belts are easy to change if they do blow out for some reason.
like i said the only experience i have is on my friends trailblazer 330..
and like i said before they get the job done your needs have changed and the blaster cant meet those changes..
it can handle the smaller jumps just fine..
polaris makes some pretty reliable machines....
Why are you taking so much to offense to this? I had one 2 years ago that I bought for a BEATER quad for $1000. That was the worst $1000 I ever spent. I sold that POS 5 days later for $1100. Thank god that thing is gone.
nothing bad with honda, they build very very reliable quads, although they are clearly not the fastes Lol(with the exception of the 250r of course lol)

trust me i know a honda is reliable my 250ex has a broken off head bolt and a drain bolt that leaks and it still fires right up without the choke.my 400ex is unbreakable i ride the piss out of the thing like its a 450r, and people ask me whats done to it and i say a slip on and jets (motor compartment wise) and there like no way.i guess im just a really good rider.:D
trust me i know a honda is reliable my 250ex has a broken off head bolt and a drain bolt that leaks and it still fires right up without the choke.my 400ex is unbreakable i ride the piss out of the thing like its a 450r, and people ask me whats done to it and i say a slip on and jets (motor compartment wise) and there like no way.i guess im just a really good rider.:D

Or they just suck I:I
I have got it narrowed down to either a trail blazer or a trail boss I want reverse and NO shifting the trail riding I do is just easy riding like 20 mph the hole time and water holes in the trail in the spring after the 6 ft of snow melts.