polaris trail blazer

i wasn't trying to be an ahole i was jk....i have never had any experience with Polaris so i shouldn't have ran my mouth.but i have had experience with craptors and i made a conclusion that they are piles of sh*t my friends breaks his every time we ride and its not that much faster, a banshee would definitely take it.
dude, all i can say is that i hope your happy with what you get cause there are no refunds on polarises, lol J/K, sounds good just keep an eye out on craigslist, they go for like 1300 on craigslist round my place.
do not get a polaris i had a polaris snowmobile it was a 97 or 98 700 it blow up 3 times and yes we had oil and everything was right they are stright up sh*t...............................get a suzuki ozark,bruin 250,bear tracker 250 all these are grea can pull alot of weight most of em are rated to pull 850lbs and there really fun in the trails
do not get a polaris i had a polaris snowmobile it was a 97 or 98 700 it blow up 3 times and yes we had oil and everything was right they are stright up sh*t...............................get a suzuki ozark,bruin 250,bear tracker 250 all these are grea can pull alot of weight most of em are rated to pull 850lbs and there really fun in the trails

97' 700 xc's had engine problems I will give you that. As far as Polaris being sh*t you obviosly have never owned a different model than the 97 xc.Every manufacture has there bad model's,so to solely base that polaris's are sh*t on that model is just stupid. Ozarks have massive rear end problems the seal weres out the axle letting oil out and water in, $500 in parts later you got your quad back,I've done about 4 of them this year. Never worked on a bruin so I can't say if they are good or bad. Bear trackers are good reliable quads as long as they aren't beat to bad. But like he said he only trail rides about 20 mph and doesn't want to shift . Go with the polaris bro just like ever other toy ck it over before you buy.
Polaris trail blazers are an embarrassment to 2 strokes.
i wasn't trying to be an ahole i was jk....i have never had any experience with Polaris so i shouldn't have ran my mouth.but i have had experience with craptors and i made a conclusion that they are piles of sh*t my friends breaks his every time we ride and its not that much faster, a banshee would definitely take it.

Why run your mouth if you don't know any thing about some thing?
Newer engines are built by them. Older ones were built by fuji. But they are not the only manufacturer that doesn't use there own engine. I'm not saying that polaris's are the best atv's out there but for what he needs it will suit him just fine.Yamaha is my first choice but they don't offer somthing that he is looking for,in his price range. They are a very reliable quad if you maintain them.
Well the blaster is up for sale on ebay for 7 days lets hope I sell it so I can save up and by myself a nice trail blazer or more then likely a trail boss.