Old School Utility Quads


New Member
Feb 2, 2010
Well like the title says I'm looking for an old school utility. 2x4 or 4x4, it doesn't matter. Oldest and cheapest would be my best bet, so far I've been looking at the older Yamaha Moto 4's. I guess my question is, what else should I be looking for? Pictures would be appreciated I:I
get a kawasaki bayou 220, awesome bikes
those old moto4's are good quads if you can find one that hasn't been run into the ground, shoot even the one i had that WAS run into the ground wasn't that bad, just blew more smoke than a 2 stroke lol
a tree fell down at my house and our tractor couldn't even lift it but our mighty bayou 220 pulled it all the way down the road to our burn pile, it was amazing, but i was also driving, and i;m really skilled
a tree fell down at my house and our tractor couldn't even lift it but our mighty bayou 220 pulled it all the way down the road to our burn pile, it was amazing, but i was also driving, and i;m really skilled

lol way to toot your own horn
I have a kawasaki bayou 250 and it goes great but not fast at all but still fun to mud with.
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I have a kawasaki bayou 250 and it goes great but not fast at all but still fun to mud with.

Yeah I'm not concerned with speed, that's what my blaster is for. I'm more concerned with being able to push its way through brush and mud.
omg, the bayou is for u, the 220's are a bit faster than the 250's if u get a older one, the 220's were made before a california law came out that made kawasaki make the engine worse, the bayou 220 will run forever, and they go thru anything!!!!!!!

i'll post pics of my dads 220 later
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them bayou's can damn near go through anything, had a 2x4 when i was growing up and that thing would go through a marsh like there wasn't any water round for miles and pull just bout anything we put behind it
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Thanks for the help guys. Imma keep my eyes peeled for an affordable Bayou on craigslist now.
We just picked up, for my bud, a 1997 Kawasaki Bayou 300, 4x4. The thing is an absolute beast, I call it the jeep. Its big, powerful, has tall tires, good ground clearance, shaft drive, a hitch, a winch and full time 4 wheel drive, with a high and low transmission (technically 10 forward gears, awesome I:I). It is definitely not for running full out but kick a$$ for mud and trails, snow, towing, anything.

We scored it off of Craigs List, for.... Ready?

$1000 CASH, with a 48" snow plow included. We had to travel to east bumble fugg but worth every mile of it.
Huge score, and a very cool sport utility, by all means...

Check it out, awesome!!!

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and i wouldnt forget the old honda trx200sx those will run forever have decent power........you can get them as cheap 200$ in running condition I seen up 2 about 800ish
and i wouldnt forget the old honda trx200sx those will run forever have decent power........you can get them as cheap 200$ in running condition I seen up 2 about 800ish

Dude, thanks for reminding me of those. I actually have a classmate that has one of those just sitting in her barn collecting dust.
Dude, thanks for reminding me of those. I actually have a classmate that has one of those just sitting in her barn collecting dust.

np Im actally looking for a 200sx at the moment also I need a quad for yard work and im really into hondas.........and yamaha moto's are hard to find around hear
the old hondas never die all the old TRX's what fun to get ahold of are their first 4x4's straight front axle its like haveing a blazer or bronco with handlebars. pull anything anywhere. also the first king quads with the high, low, and super low ranges with 2x4, 4x4 and diff lock
i just bought a 89 suzuki quadrunner 250 4x4 last saturday for $250. that thing is a hoss it has 2x4, 4x4, and locking diff not to metion high, low and super low. that thing is made to beat around. the air intake is right below the handlebars so i dont have to worry about flooding it as bad
you can beat them into the ground and they will still run i should take pics of some of the old trx's we get in at work the guys wil admit that yea i hit a tree with it riped off the wheel and lfet it in creek for a day pull it out of where ever and still run the last king quad i worked on was a total heap of crap looked like hell but runs like clockwork. you cant beat a old TRX