Weird carb leaking issue


New Member
Aug 9, 2019
South Africa - GP
Good day

I'm at my wits end with this carb on my Blaster. It leaks petrol from the overflow no matter what I do.
Here is what I have done:
-The toothpaste trick with the old needle and seat valve
-Replaced the needle and seat
-Put the old needle back with the new seat (I put the new needle back again)
-I have adjusted the floats to every conceivable setting
-I have checked the overflow screw and it seems to be good

I eventually resorted to making the fuel bowl halfway full of fuel putting it back onto the carb and blowing into the fuel inlet to test if it leaks, if it does I simply adjust the tang on the float bowl so it no longer leaks.

I eventually got it perfect set in, where the bike wouldn't starve of fuel while idling or when speeding it won't bog down due to fuel starvation. It works fine for about one ride or engine start and then it starts overflowing again and bogging down at times for some odd reason due to maybe fuel starvation or something? When I ride and pull in the clutch so it disengages the revs go really high as if it starves from fuel.

If I had to stop the engine it would be a matter of seconds then it would look like the fuel is just coming directly from the tank out of the overflow, that's how much it leaks.

I can set the float numerous times and get it dialed in perfectly and this cycle would repeat itself over and over.

My theory:
The people I initially bought the bike from had no clue about maintaining it or even what kind of bike it was. They sold it due to this problem of it leaking from the overflow and they not having the expertise or money to have it fixed. They had a really scrappy mechanic work on it, I can see from the work he did on it actually. Nothing major, just very lax maintenance and poor workmanship where he did work. The old seat had a very sizable scratch in it probably from someone sticking a screw driver in there and trying to clean it out. They actually removed the oil light's wire so it would stop shining instead of just filling up the premix tank...

The float was definitely tampered with and the tang bends far too easy, I can literally bend it with my fingers applying almost no pressure. I think the tang is worn out to the point where it adjusts itself every time the fuel level rises in the bowl. The old seat had a very sizable scratch in it probably from someone sticking a screw driver in there and trying to clean it out.

Something else that I remarked is that the color of the bowl is a slightly lighter color than the rest of the carb, which I think may be indicative of it not having the original bowl on it and potentially having either a defective or wrong size bowl on it if this even is a thing. Which may lead the float to stick at times prompting the either fuel overflow or starvation due to the float not being able to travel as much as it should.

I want to get a rebuild kit, but I don't see a point in replacing the jets and everything else if this is likely a float issue or something that can be fixed without having to rebuild the carb.

The carb seems to be stock, there is no performance exhaust on it and the airbox cover is still on. When it does work nicely, it idle's really nicely but sometimes when I take off it feels like it's limiting the revs(maybe more related to the tors system?) however when I switch to second gear it pulls like a beast.

I can also upload photos of the carb and the bowl internals if need be. I'm fairly new to these Mikuni's maybe there is something obvious missing that I'm not aware of.

Any form of advice would be greatly appreciated!
Have you submerged the floats in fluid to find cracks ? bubbles will emerge from the float if it is cracked and taking on fuel.
if the float takes on fuel it will sink in the bowl and cause overflow

I had one do similar once, it was the tang cutting into the aluminum post that the pin goes thru, I filed those grooves off it had made and it worked fine after that

So what was happening was exactly what I was explaining. I would get it set in just right and it would stop leaking for a few minutes maybe before one start or so and then BOOM it leaks again.

So what I ended up doing today was to actually check the floats and submerge them as Awk08 suggested and they proved okay, I then proceeded to check the movement of the float and nothing seemed to make it stick or stop it from moving.

Then I took out the needle and saw in the brand new seat that it's full of debris, specifically little black shredded something. No idea what it was, I pieced together that the tank may be filthy. So I took off the tank and inspected it inside. I couldn't really see much since well the light is dim. So my next move was to take the fuel tap apart. I proceeded to take it apart and firstly took off the face plate of the tap.

There it was, the rubber of the tap was wearing off and giving off some weird debris rubber shreds. I cleaned it out and closed it back up again. I then went and purchased an inline fuel filter and installed it between the tap and the carb. It's transparent so you can see the fuel going into the carb which is pretty cool to see if there is fuel flow.

I poured some fuel into the tank, waited for the carb to fill up and the leak was gone. I didn't celebrate yet because I know how it goes. So I took it and ripped up and down the street, no bogging, backfiring or fuel starving like it did before.

When I got home I let it idle for a bit and then switched the engine off. It hasn't sprung a leak since. I really do hope this is the solution. If it isn't I'd probably post here that it didn't work but so far so good!

But I am fairly optimistic this is the solution since I have literally ruled out about everything else by now.
What I learned so far, fuel filters aren't overrated!

Yep I left the tap open with fuel for about an hour and there was minimal leaking, small adjustment to the floats and it would be 100%! What a silly oversight issue! I am so HAPPY this is finally fixed!
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