Update from the Owens Clan


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Nov 16, 2012
Oroville, CA
Hi everyone. This is Brandy. I just wanted to give you all an update on the kids and I.

The 2 younger kids and I officially moved to Midvale, Utah June 10th. It took me 6 days to get a job and I love working, but I just gave my two weeks notice. I am looking to find help in becoming a Lyft and Uber driver so that I may spend more time with my kiddos and of course make more than $48-$64 a day.My baby boy turns 16 on Friday. I wish his dad was here to see him. Our oldest girl will be 18 in January and she is still living back in CA with my parents. She is scheduled to finish school on the 11th of October and will walk the stage in June. Super proud of her for sticking it out through the good, bad and ugly days. Michael would be a grandpa to a cute 18 month old little boy. I so wish he was here!

I am still "kinda" seeing this guy I met almost 2 years ago, however he has told me he has an official girlfriend and NO it is NOT me and I KNOW i deserve better and I know what that is because of Michael, but I have fallen in love with Tony despite my best efforts to not. Tony says we have a connection, but just not that kind of connection and that he doesn't want to lose me because I treat him better than any woman ever has.

I ask myself what is so wrong with me? I treat you like a king, we have fun together and you say that if anyone is a biotch it is her, then why be with her and NOT me? I still have Michael's ATV despite trying to sell it :(. I HATE to see it just sitting there rotting. He would want someone to be riding it and enjoying it as much as he did.

I hope all is well with everyone here.
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Good to hear from you. I was thinking about you all the other day. Good to hear the kids are doing well.
Dump Tony, you so deserve better.
Good to hear Brandy. Glad everyone is doing ok and keeping their chins up. Congrats on being a grandmother. Always nice to have the little ones during the day and ship them back to the parents at night. lol As far as Tony goes. Tell him no more wine, beer or Brandy!!! There is no replacing Michael, but you deserve someone special that treats you good, makes you warm and fuzzy, and is comitted to you!! Tell Tony to pull his lip over his head and swallow. Good luck with everything.
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